Lots of small tweaks and performance improvements. Here's how testing AP went in the Park:
If you compile with Arduino, you can now set CH7 to trigger some cool things like RTL, or In-Flight leveling.
Check the GIT tree for details on the changes. Most are just nerdy code optimizations.
This release feels very close, if not the last beta. Thanks for all the testing,
I had problems installing 2.0.45 firmware using Mission Planner 1.0.76.
Arduino worked fine, anyone else had the same problem ?
Will only be able to fly later today, grr.......
Are the PI parameters (and defaults) for LOITER and NAV_WP equivalent for r42 and r44?
I don´t get same results flying in LOITER for r42 versus r43/44.
Thank Chris, I've read the tutorial some time ago when updating section isn't there.
I understand is not safe to fly with code from repository, anyway I like to see and follow the changes.
r45: Some tips for MODE setting
From r42 I was a bit cracy to get MODE as I like:
Ch7 on - Ch5 (stab, alt_h, Loiter)
Ch7 off - Ch5 (SIMPLE, RTL, AUTO)
From r42, SIMPLE is accesed changing in APM_config.h following line 32:
Then, when Ch7 is high it´s possible to acces to SIMPLE, but you need to set it in the planner (or CLI) in the correct way. That is, in the position of swith for Ch7 that is high. So there are two conditions to get SIMPLE.
In my case, I needed to REVERSE Ch7 to get in right order I had in r42. In my case I have:
Flight modes
These positions corresponds to Ch7 low:
Pos 5: STABILIZE, Simple: OFF
Pos 3: ALT_HOLD, Simple: OFF
Pos 1: LOITER, Simple: OFF
These positions corresponds to Ch7 high:
Pos 4: STABILIZE, Simple: ON
Pos 2: RTL, Simple: OFF
Pos 0: AUTO, Simple: OFF
Hope this help other with similar doubts.
Thanks John :) This are still my first flights and I still don't have quick reflexes, but I'm feeling more confortable. Outside in the wind it's a different story but nevertheless I haven't had a crash for the last 6 or 7 flights and I don't get in panic no more and control it to land.
Take your "noobness" ;) out of the equation and this is still a stellar effort! Very, very good- and even great nose-in control! You must be ecstatic and it's well deserved.
I know what simple does, it was just that it didn't seem to do it for me. Thats for the comments though.
Just flew 2 flights 2.0.45. Stabilize, and alt hold on sonar excellent. The default NavP of 2.0 seems to be too low for my stock quad - and I think it is because how dirty it is with camera and video transmitter sticking up into the breeze. I set up channel 6 Navp tuning and put the quad up above the house and started at NavP 2.072. As it oscillated back and forth over the house I clicked up the NavP to around 2.4 (not sure actual value) and finished at 2.893 as verified by the tune function in the CLI after the flight. There was a fair amount of wind (5mph) and the LoiterI was 0.01 (default). Here is my log showing my progress and I think I'm honing in on the right value. 2.0.45 feels good and is flying well. Plotting Baro alt, next wpt alt, and Lat Err.
Hi James, there's a lot of difference between stabilize and stabilize+simple. The first one, when you push pitch to forward, it forwards on the direction of the copter's front, so it you have it in front of you with the front turned to the right and you push pitch, it will fly to the right. In simple mode, if you armed the motors with the quad facing in front of you, the pitch will take it ahead front of you even if you yaw it to any angle.
If you keep yaw to right or left and pitch it forward, in stabilize it will fly in a circle, however in stabilize+simple it will go in a straight line but spinning. Hope this helped :)
-1 alt hold means hold the current altitude.