Here's one of the first test flights of the ArduCopter quadcopter setup, from team leader Ted Carancho. Try doing that with a Parrot AR.Drone!
This is using the ArduPilotMega hardware (APM board and IMU shield) on the original AeroQuad platform. The ArduCopter platform is in final design tweaks before it goes into production. The merger of the AeroQuad and ArduPilot Mega software is going well and a public beta is probably a few weeks away.
Great job, Ted!
I'll try ASAP
@Taylor, the AeroQuad will share it's acro mode with ArduCopter which will enable flips. Here's a test video, still working on getting tighter flips:
My question is kinda a safety one. As a university-endorsed researcher, my team is subjected to an (incredibly long) list of safety checklists and requirements. I'm curious to what safety procedures you use for flying near high-power lines.
Also: Props for doing (even unintentional) EMI testing. As an EE working with lots of Aero Engr's, its good to see someone accounting for possible electrical failures.
Taylor, pretty sure you wont see any quads flying upside down. Typically the motors can't be reversed in flight, so with fixed pitch they're always pulling in one direction. Flips are possible, and i suppose you could fly at the ground, but there's really no way to stay upside down for long.
final one will be more clean?