Good news: ArduIMU 1.8 has now been released, which is now built on the same libraries as ArduPilotMega and ArduCopter. [Update: this has now been revised with bug fixes as 1.8.1. See this post for more.] That means that it's got all the latest Ardu* enhancements, including support for the most recent GPS modules (including latest MediaTek firmware), our custom FastSerial communications and magnetometer support. If you've been having trouble with GPS modules not getting lock, please upgrade to this latest version.
You can get the new code here. Note that since it now uses libraries, the installation process is different. Please follow the instructions here. Arduino 0019 or higher required.
If you encounter a bug or other problem, please file an issue here. The developers aren't regularily following comments on blog posts, so the past way to get bugs fixed quickly is through the issue tracker.
Special thanks to Doug Weibel for the port and to the whole APM team for the libraries, which are really paying off now that we're extending them to all the Ardu* projects.
Where could I set the output rate of GPS? I am not sure whether my MTK GPS has 4 Hz output or not.
Built just fine here. Should be a fun weekend.
Every line that says "parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ', ')+1;" is incorrect.
It should read "parseptr = strchr(parseptr, ',')+1;" without the space after the comma. In 0021 the strchr apparently will take a string and there are no spaces after any commas in NMEA.