I will maintain the code for a while in a repository at http://code.google.com/p/ardu-imu-pilot/
If you try it out give me your feedback. It is similar to ArduPilot 2.4 but uses a different header file.
To interface ArduIMU to ArduPilot you connect the gps (ublox only) to ArduIMU, provide common power and ground to ArduPilot and ArduIMU, and connect the serial output pin of ArduIMU to the serial input pin of ArduPilot.
Received my ArduIMU on Saturday and loaded up the LabView demo software. Boy was I impressed with the performance of the ArduIMU. I have been in the Aerospace industry for ~35 years and am totally amazed at what IMU performance can be purchased for just ~$100. Very impressive effort on the part of the DIY Drones members!
Now to integrate the ArduIMU into my Ardupilot that has the Ublox GPS attached to it.
My ArduIMU board shipped out from the DIY Drones Store on Wed so I should have it by either this Sat or Mon by the latest. Can't wait to see how well it works compared to the thermal piles.
But here is the link again https://code.google.com/p/ardu-imu-pilot/downloads/list
If anyone hasn't got the IMU code downloaded yet I have placed it as a .zip download in the Ardu-IMU-Pilot repository. So you get the two downloads in the same place....
The temperature reached a balmy high of 5F, after an overnight low of -17F. No flight testing in my future. Slim chance on the weekend.
The second try worked. Thanks. Much appreciated.