Hobbico SuperStar: Is that the best plane for this? Arent there any "cooler" looking planes like the predator?
Maybe even better than the predator that really looks like a us. army drone? Does Hobbico SuperStar fit with the wireless realtime video kit?
When setting a drone, do you just set gps points and it drives by it self? Do you also set the height?
It flies stable all the way even with meeting some vinds?
Would you dare setting one of theese things flying over a official fotball match?
There're still OUT 3/4 on the board, are these usable for something? Like another servo control?
It's stated here that Servo timer outputs just 2 pins, so maybe not... so why are these outputs there?
Chris, sorry for the late input, I recommend SmartSVN. It is a fully featuered svn client. Written in Java, so it runs on all platforms, and has both free and "pro" versions. The basic version is quite nice, missing features like branching and merging, switching etc... but you probably don't need those features now anyway.
Awesome! I was wondering when I saw the initial upload if you were going to stick in a svn repository. I use command line on the Mac myself. Eclipse (subClipse) will do it as well as will TextMate. I'll check it out in a few. Thanks!
Maybe even better than the predator that really looks like a us. army drone? Does Hobbico SuperStar fit with the wireless realtime video kit?
When setting a drone, do you just set gps points and it drives by it self? Do you also set the height?
It flies stable all the way even with meeting some vinds?
Would you dare setting one of theese things flying over a official fotball match?
Please answer:)
It's stated here that Servo timer outputs just 2 pins, so maybe not... so why are these outputs there?