1.-The first batch of ArduPilot Mega's may be released this Wednesday 28.
2.- The lasted shield is ready (codename: Foxtrap) and has many advantages compared to the last board, including the Invensense gyros (cheaper and better against vibration), smaller board size, can be used on the top or in the bottom, build-in absolute pressure sensor (Bosch) and i removed the differential pressure sensor, but you can still add it as an optional expansion board.
The price still the same.... ;-)
Facts you already know about the shield:
-3.3V Regulator.
-Relay switch for cameras, lights or payloads.
-12-bit ADC.
-Build-in Data Logger (The Black Box).
-Piano DIP switch for servo reverse.
-Build-in FTDI, serial to USB.
-Dedicated Modem/OSD port.
-I2C Port for Magnetometer.
-Two buttons (one momentary, second slide).
-Expansion analogs ports and more.
You can give a look to the Eagle Files here:
Latest boards:
About the development names I use: Alpha1 never made it, Bravo1 is the one i sent to Julio (private release), Charlie1 luckily arrived late, Delta1 was canceled because i decided to remove the differential pressure sensor and add the absolute pressure sensor. Eco1 was also canceled because i switched the Gyros from ST to Invensense. Current released candidate is the Foxtrap1..
Check the new logo:
I will order the first batch this Monday, i hope they arrived fast to test and release!
I have many other stuff going on! I have to leave so you will see later.. ;-)
BTW, Thanks to Scott Plunkett for the Bosch absolute pressure sensor and Bill Premerlani for the Invensense gyros explanation!
On the SparkFun UAV competition Bill explained to me that he is working on the new UDB. So he give a try to the Ivensense gyros and shipped out some protos, some of those users test them on helicopters, the reports indicated that they were AWESOME compared to the ST gyros. He also explained me (briefly) how they work internally, I actually don't remember quite well the details (I was distracted with the noise around), but i remember clearly him rising the hands and saying: So they are virtually vibration immune, they are great!".
I didn't use them before because Arduino 10-bit ADC is not enough resolution for them, but now we are using 12bits...
Can you share that explanation here? Technical minds are curious !!
Yes you have a dedicated port for the differential pressure sensor labeled as "Pitot", is located in the middle-right of board.
I remove it because other applications don't require this sensors.
Well, i will not get stuff then, till everything is complete, but eagerly waiting for you coding-geniuses to get everything together.
Giddy up, I just bought a new plane for ardupilot this weekend :-)
--ArduPilot Mega will be sold by Sparkfun, not us, just as is the case with ArduPilot (this is for regulatory reasons)
--The price has not been set but will probably be in the $60--$70 range
--The IMU/sensor shield will be sold by us, as soon as the final design can be beta tested (we're manufacturing it ourselves with Jordi's new Pick and Place machine, so we can go into production quickly). The price has also not been set, but the aim is to keep the total package price (all parts necessary for a complete autopilot) around or even less than the current ArduPilot package.
--Please keep in mind that the code is not ready for Mega, so even if you buy the boards as soon as they're available, you will not be able to fly with them. I expect it will take at least a month to port ArduPilot 2.6 to Mega and test it properly.
--Likewise documentation will take a few weeks to come together. So please do not buy the boards when they come out and expect to have full instructions on how to use them. We are releasing the boards early for experimenters and beta testers--if you want a plug-and-play experience, you'll be better waiting until later this year.
If you're looking for people to help test the shield, I happily volunteer! PM me!
does that mean we will be seing the IMU-Shield in store soon too?
And how far is the software coming along, already flyable? Will it be an adaption of 2.6 of the arduPilot code?
Can't wait to get my hands on it, hope to be flying it till the summer :-)