In order to keep you guys updated on the project's development, I'm happy to present our first flight report!
Andy and his "tripod mop"; Jonathan conducting pre-flight-tests.
The weather conditions were decent: not all that much wind, clear sight and no random short-lived rainfalls.
As we weren't exactly convinced of last video's quality (shaky camera syndrome anyone?), we decided that this had to change. Voilà, enter the floor mop. Although rather unconventional, it makes for a surprisingly useful tripod!
The flight itself was as we had hoped: the wingcopter responded well, the handling was easy.
During the first section the tilt-angle was set at 90 degrees. In the second one we flew with a 45 degree angle. Both configurations performed as expected and without any problems.
Some of you might have noticed a difference in the tilt-angles between the two arms in the latter stages. The reason was one of the nuts deciding to bail, resulting in one of the arms not being fully fixed anymore. We only noticed after the flight though, apparently someone up there seems to like the project as well xD
Slight disbelief, that was a close one! Memo to selfs: Better fix them with some glue.
In order to provide a close-up look at the tilting mechanism in action, we made another video.
We hope your enjoyed our little report, we are planning to do them regularly from now on. Feel free to tell us if you liked this one and if you have any suggestions regarding improvements.
Andy and Jonathan
More information on
is the purpose longer battery life with less load on the motors?
What is the amp draw while hovering and flying around?
Ahh, I see it now.
We're thinking about making the code open source. Maybe its even gonna get integrated into the actual Ardupilot software. At the moment, the basic plan is to provide the platform so everyone can extend it individually.
Concerning the flight time in airplane mode, (theoretically speaking) it should be vastly longer than in hover mode. In order to get some benchmark times, we are currently planing a test flight.
@Daniel, salut!
Tous les constructions sont seulement dessiné par CAD pour le moment, mais il y a un kit fabriqué disponible.
That's pretty cool!!
Le projet est-il open source ou commercial?
est -il possible d'obtenir les plans et le Firmware pour tester ?
super boulot
cordialement daniel
Very nice work indeed!
Does the glider mode give you more flight time than just quad hover?