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  • Oh great now dentists are going to get in cahoots with the FAA to ban drones for dental hygiene.  Cross that off the list for potential commercial use in the US.

  • Just love it.  Adam is just so chuffed to be there!

    Reminds me of Roan in the Mini Moto Tooth Pull

    And, of course, Ehren McGhehey having a fit doing what is effectively the same thing.

  • That young man knew his claim to fame, "I'm the first!"
    My grandfather used these...


    without, of course, the high tech plastic covered handles.

    I seem to remember them being rusty too.


  • Developer

    On the subject of safety, you should be careful around children with multirotors. Despite their cute looks a small child can do significant damage to a multirotor if left unattended!

  • I'm just waiting for the 'safety police' to comment. 

  • It doesn't really get Gizmodo points unless you're also climbing a skyscraper bare handed while the quad copter pulls the tooth.

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