Once in a while a need a new copter, this time it had to be a very small Y6 copter. It is meant for FPV flying, and that really works very good! It fits through really small holes, and it flies very precisely. It is my first Y6, and I am pretty much convinced by this concept. Ok, well, flight time is an issue.. I get 6:30 min with 1000mAh, but that is still reasonable for such an aerodynamic disaster.
Some more pictures can be found here:
Some data:
Max. dimension 21cm
Roxxy 1815/25
Airace propellers
"CCD-Killer" CMOS FPV camera
mGUIDE controller
Turnigy Plush 6A ESCs + I²C->PWM micro converters
3S 1000 mAh battery
274g icl. battery & FPV equipment
Hi William!
Good work, excellent craftmanship!
What are the benefits of the 6-motor 'tri copter?'
I am building a small (very very small) bi-copter based on the Gary Gress 'copters, but I won't be able to fit a camera onto it!
How do you control the motors.Do they spin in the same direction?It uses the same principles from the tricopter?
Well, that would be nice, but I am really too busy with other things... Investing time in a kit would mean that I don't have any time left to build my own copters and to develop new stuff...I am using my own system, which is basically a arduino pro mini + adxrs 610 + adxl 322. I program my controller in BASCOM basic.
Whow, hätte nicht gedacht das so ein Format so gut fliegt.
Echt gewagtes Design. Klasse Umsetzung :)