ConfigTool v1.4.12

I dropped the "Beta 4" and changed it to just v1.4 revision 12 = 1.4.12.This version has a bug fix to try and address users with locales using "," (comma) as their decimal points. Please let me know how it works. It also includes Jordi's 48 waypoints fix.Download Here: ConfigTool.zipArduTool143.gif
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  • fefenin,
    I am getting very different results than you with v1.4.11.
    Here is what I have done in the past several days.
    A-- several days ago
    1. set manually the home lat/lon to my field - write (no GPS/Sensors just ardupilot/shield)
    2. entered a 3 waypoint flight plan - write
    3. did a read - the home point read back correctly and the flight plan plotted correctly on the config tool showing that home and the waypoints were written to the AP
    4. saved mission

    B--Yesterday and today at home 32 miles from field
    1. with (GPS/sensors/receiver/servos/bind plug installed/ transmitter on and in manual) I powered up the system
    2. the GPS went into binary mode, the lock led started blinking
    3. removed bind plug and waited for GPS lock (30 sec)
    4. powered down the system
    5. disconnected GPS,receiver/servos/sensors
    6. connected FTDI cable to AP and computer and powered up ArduPilot
    7. ran config tool v1.4.11
    8. read --- home lat/lon now is here at home and the google plot now has waypoint 1 here at home and the other two at the field and the home icon at the field lat/lon. all as expected seeing how I still had the old mission in the AP
    9. cleared all way points
    10. write then read
    11. home lat/lon here at home, google plot here at home all as expected.
    12. loaded saved mission (it has home as the field)
    13. marked set manually then did a write
    14. unmarked set manually and did a read. walla!! home back to the field and waypoints back to original mission
    15. cleared all way points then write then read
    16. home now field lat/lon and google plot at field and home icon at field.

    conclusion V1.4.11 is working for me.
  • ok,
    sorry to say that but v1.4.11 still doesn't work...

    i tried the config tool beta3 (known as configtoolfix1) and it is showing me the right home position when read.

    i'll be pleased to test some other things if you have an idea !
  • Hi HappyKillmore,

    Just a thought, terrain following ;)..... Well not true terrain following, but if you have a waypoint in a direction, say true north from current waypoint, can you check if any point directly between waypoints is closer in height than say a % of current AGL that we want to be?

    Then flag this or plonk a new waypoint at this point with normal AGL value? If nothing is to high along this path, just do nothing.

    Sarel Wagner
  • thank you HappyKillmore,

    i'll will try that within 2 hours and comfirm you that it works or not!

    strange cause even with the official standart version it wasn't working for me ...

    i'll give it a try again .

    thank's guys
  • Version 1.4.11 posted. I'm not sure why the whole set home position section was commented out. But I uncommented it and did a few minutes of testing. I think it's working. Please confirm.
  • I did a D6 bind procedure and a read. Made sure the "Set Manual" window was clear. The read was successful but the Home Position box did not display the home position. I read it with Jordie's version and the correct home was displayed, in the box and on the map. This confirms that the home position is in the eeprom.
  • to be sure, i just unpacked my stuff and tried again, here is the report.

    both version , the offical one and latest Hkillmore one are showing the same result...

    of course "set manually" box is cleared.

    home is not the one it should when doing a read...

    but maybe my setup is faulty (or even the computer)

    i'm using latest ardupilot code + board + shiel without sensors(that might be the PB??) + Ublox GPS

    i'm gonna try with the IR sensor to see if it could be the problem... will be posting the result later

  • i can ensure you that "set manually " is cleared for me...

    it still doesn't read the home position it should have recorded...
  • I'll check it when I get home this afternoon.
  • 3D Robotics
    I just heard from Jordi and he says that it should be working. He think people may have the "set manually" option checked in their config utlity? I'm on the road and can't check, but can anyone confirm if this is correct?

    Just clear the "set manually" box, write the waypoints, then do a bind plug/jumper procedure to read home from the GPS, then read again from the config utility to see if the home position was recorded.

    Does that work?
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