The level of engineering sophistication here is really impressive. Amazing how fast this industry has matured to smartphone-level professionalism
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The level of engineering sophistication here is really impressive. Amazing how fast this industry has matured to smartphone-level professionalism
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and trying to pass it off as an engineered product!
hey Jack, This shows that they actually did some research on resonance! Instead of building monkey-see monkey-do in the garage out back! Or trying to mistakenly rely fully on software for low-pass-filtering.
Always leading the way Jack! Also interesting to see the GPS moved as far from noise as possible with a ferrite bead. Not just stuffed in between the speed controllers like the Karma.
Interesting how the IMU has evolved from being randomly scattered on the mane board to being encapsulated in a very large, weighted, shock dampered enclosure, connected by a very long ribbon cable to reduce coupling. It matches what some guys discovered years ago.
Very impressive system engineering and design.
parrot bebop 2