Photographer Searching For Lost Camera UAV In Oregon
RC Accident Sparks Federal Probe
Model Plane Impacted National Archives Building In Waltham, MA
A wayward RC model airplane made an unscheduled arrival on the roof of the National Archives building in Waltham, MA, sparking a federal investigation which involved the FBI, TSA and Homeland Security.
The unnamed owner of the three-foot RC aircraft reported it missing to local police Thursday evening, saying it was on the rooftop of the federal facility. In a prepared statement, FBI Special Agent Greg Comcowich said "a combination of federal, state and local agencies, including the Federal Protective Service, determined the plane caused little to no damage to the building and a preliminary examination of the plane indicated it did not carry any harmful material.
“Preliminarily, there appears to be nothing nefarious about the event.”
The Waltham News Tribune reports that local officials said there was no damage to any records housed in the Archives, and the only damage to the building appeared to be to a solar panel on the roof.
Still, Comcowich said the agency will do appropriate follow-up, but at this point, "it's a remote controlled plane enthusiast's plane gone awry."
(Thanks to Magician for the heads up)
How difficult is it to check the last know co-ordinates (via APM planner) and go look there... Perhaps he should of had an Ardupilot...
Likely it is lost in a tall tree. In my younger years I modified a .020 cox engine with a .049 on a auto rotate flydown copter. It went up too much and landed down on a tall tree cove.
Not a good one by the looks of it!
John, I think it's the other way around. We are the "only ones" who have lawfull rights to walk (or camp) on other persons land without asking. To others, our ideas about this might look strange.
From the lost camera UAV story:
I have to ask, is this an American thing? Calling the police because someone asks to look for a missing object at your property? For a Scandinavian, the concept of calling the Police for such a thing is totally and utterly alien. If you do not want him on you property (99,9% here would let you search), just say no.
What flight controller do you think he was using?
Not secure enough! ;-)
I'm blaming the kids for that one...
So would the FAA I would expect unless the doco was being given away for free he was flying a UAS commercially in the NAS.
Did'nt somebody from here end up behind the fence of a fairly secure place once......
The Droidworx rig just decided to up and fly away...I would love to know the details of that one.
I just ordered my first Arducopter and plan on using it for AP. I do have some expensive cameras but I'll have to gain a lot of trust in the copter before I hang anything more than a GoPro from it. However, as a Ham operator, I have thought about the idea of putting an RDF transmitter on the bird for just such an event. It's a fairly easy solution to finding a lost copter.