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  • Not that it matters, but they did call it a Drone in the video. His sentence at 0:07 to 0:12 is 

    "I honestly think the best way to do it would be to send the Drone up with the flare attached."

  • What authorities? That may be against the letter of the law but the FAA has better things to do than fine a guy for flying a tricopter looking for ghosts. The way I see it this is the jaywalking of aviation laws, at least for now.

  • Wyatt, they will have a hard time convincing the authorities, as in the show, where they are flying is not a farm, and clearly not flying for fun.

    Anands,   they did not call it a drone. I'm calling it that.  It's not flying autonomous, but even RC models cannot be flown commercially without FAA authorization.

  • I suspect that what they're calling a 'drone' is actually just an RC model. I know lots of people, including the media, that do that. Some 'drone strikes' are completely manned remotely.

  • Yep, I get the US departments mixed up sometimes. 

  • Don't you mean FAA rules?

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