Hi Everyone,
Yesterday, I shot this video with my MacBook Air and DroneThermal camera.
The results are promising. Thermal image resolution is only 80x60 pixel but sensitivity is not bad.
BTW, We designed an optional 3D printed (SLS) case for the camera. It looks better :)
Shapeways.com has some difficulties in these days. We will share the 3D print files soon on our web site and Shapeways.
Thanks for reading
Yes it is similar. Black plastic surfaces is better than metal because of better temperature balance (if you didn't touch before with warm hands.)
Fortunately, Lepton lens is only 3mm diameter. So covering it a little bit easy. You can use any non reflected surface. I'm using a pen or a lighter.
How do these handle flat field corrections?
On the quarks you have to manually cover the lens as the image degrades to allow it to flat field and recalibrate itself. Is this the same with Lepton?
Hi Aldo,
Of course. Just choose "without FLIR Lepton Core (Camera Body Only)" option when you add it into your shopping cart.
We sell the cameras with/without 25° FOV core of Lepton. This version of Lepton is designed for long range and factory set focus point is different than 50° FOV. So you can use your current core with it but 25° version is better for drone usage.
By any chance are you guys selling your breakout board?
I have a lepton core module, but with the PureEngineering breakout board... So, your breakout is better suited to be implemented faster on a uav...