OK, OK, technically this is the second flight.. First flight is here: http://youtu.be/0yKjbtFW-u4 ; I just like the second video better.
The vertical instability was caused by me not having the throttle curve set right on the Transmitter; by default it is just a straight line from 0 to 100. Setting the throttle curve to something more curvy makes it much more stable up and down.
Took me a while to get back to this, mostly because I was waiting for a replacement motor installed after a brief but terminal "magic smoke event".
Thought I also needed a new ESC, but found a post here (http://diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/one-esc-is-not-like-the-others) which set me straight.
Spent a bunch of time at the workbench running through things, including
- pretty much all of the RC inputs need to be reversed for me (JR790)
- you really do need to arm the motors before anything happens; it is amazing how much time you will spend trying to figure why nothing is going on (but see previous point as to why I may have been having difficulty.
- taping and wrapping connections, I'm toying with the idea of heat-shrinking the motor wires to the end of the arm:
- Wrap the remaining motor wires
- Replace nylon screws with metal ones
- Add XBee modules to airframe
- lots and lots of flying
Anyway, that's enough for now -- I'm off to fly some more...
This is the first stage of a longer project. This was the first flight of the airframe.
This is just Arducopter 2.0.35 code (soon to be upgraded to .38) running on a new airframe with GPS, magnetometer, etc. Further (for now) the 'copter is flying under RC control "hands-on" but using the on-board STABLE mode to make my life simpler and save wear and tear on the garden below.
So is this new project? or just doing arducopter code?