
jDrones News: jD-IOBoard v1.0



jDrones News: jD-IOBoard v1.0 update


You had some problems on driving LED strips or something else?? Well no problems anymore.... We have seen people making all type of darlington/transistor and similar hacks to drive their LEDs, Sirens and so on but they all need a lot of hacking and they might not be suitable for long term solution. 

We answered on this call and made fully Arduino compatible called jD-IOBoard that can run Single LEDs, LED Strips, Loudspeakers, Buzzers, Power switches and so on. It's upto your own imagination on what all you can control with this board. 


So what does this board actually do?? It has fully Arduino compatible ATMEGA 328 MCU and Darlington array to driver high power outputs. Also I2C pins are exposed and same as many TTL level IO and Analog pins. As you can see from picture above. 


Board has:

- 6 x High power outputs, max. 500mAh / 50 Volts

- 4 x Analog inputs (6 if you don't use I2C port)

- I2C port for controlling, listening I2C messages

- 6 x TTL level GPIO pins (8 if you don't use FTDI)

- 1 x FTDI port


3 high power outputs can also be controlled by PWM output while another 3 are just normal "On/Off" outputs



How those Arduino pinouts looks like:


Connecting LED's,Buzzers etc is really simple. Just use one of output pins on end of the board. Below you can see examples on how to connect LEDs or LED Strips on it.





Pictures does not give enough credit for how it works so we made small video to show just few examples on how to use it. There are many other ways to do it but this should give at least some idea what/how to run it. So have fun watching it.


Get yours from jDrones Store: jD-IOBoard and have a blink blink.


Ps. There are some nice features coming to this board shortly...


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  • hi jani, can u give link to sample source code so that the LED strips can blink stand alone without listening to the I2C port.

    i have over ritten the original code that came with io board.

  • I have the same error.   The configurator tool never worked.  I was never able to upload to the board.

    The host I use is the same host  I use with my QuadCopter's APM 2.0 controller.  Everything works fine with that.

  • My board doesn't work at all.  I use my desktop system to program other arduino boards.

    All I get is the 5v power led lit when I plug my ftdi cable in.

    Nothing more.

  • hi jani, still not able to make my ioboard work. i loaded the sample code in your google codes using arduino IDE022. the uploading was ok. the jdrones ioboard configurator utility reads and writes to the board perfectly. but my LED' s are NOT blinking in standalone mode. i have given 12V to LED input pin and 5V to ioboard with common GND. pls let me know what i have to do for it to blink in stand alone mode.

  • Hi,  It appears my bootloader is not intact on my jd ioboard.  I wonder if the new xray equipment that's being deployed at airports is killing the firmware.    Jani the I bought the  ftdi cable from the JDRONES site.  I am using 57600 baud, com6. FTDI driver version 2.08.24 built by WinDDK  is that the correct version ?

    I've got an older arduino here.  Can I use that  to burn the bootloader via the bitbang mode ?

    Here' what I used last time I wanted to burn a stock atmega on my board:

    Here's how I wire the ftdi cable to the atmega:

     miso = 3;  # CTS X3(1)
      sck = 5;  # DSR X3(2)
      mosi = 6;  # DCD X3(3)
      reset = 7;  # RI X3(4)

    The other issue is maybe the ftdi driver has issues with windows 7 ?  What driver do you use ?

  • hi jani, can u give a sample code in which LED's blink without list listening to I2C port. i mean standalone mode.

  • Developer

    jb, you connect IOBoard to APM1/2/2.5 just like Xbee and OSD boards. Eg to telemetry port. It listens normal telemetry port MAVLink messages and acts accordingly.

    With a configurator program you can define different pattern to be used on certain flight modes. Look download area on Arducodes repository and you will find configurator program. 

    Check out too to have more information on it. We will add more schematics and pictures on how to connect that

  • Just a dumb question,

    I've ordered one jD-IOBoard yesterday and I'm waiting it to arrive but in the meantime I am trying to discover how to connect it to the APM2 to change light sequence according to flying mode but didn't realized how to connect it.

    Maybe in parallel with the Xbee to listen for MAVLINK commads? A page on the Wiki with detailed connection schemes would be nice!

  • That sounds really strange. I don't see how configurator could kill bootloader but yes it looks like your bootloader got erased/broken. 

    Was just re-reading your previous response and wanted to clarify what appears to be a small misunderstanding which is that it was not configuration that caused the broken bootloader. In fact, upon first receiving both boards, the first thing I tried was the configuration, which worked for both. It was thereafter that I downloaded the arduino .pde files/sketches from the website and decided to load PWM version of the firmware. The compiled source appeared to load successfully the first time transferring to the board-- no synch error on that first upload -- but thereafter I have been unsuccessful in further communicating with the boards.

    Not sure if that helps any, but at least there is no misunderstanding.

    Thanks again, and looking forward to an answer to my previous post so I can get my boards working again!!

  • I tried to load the above sketch using 3 different FTDI adapters I have lying around here, and each attempt terminated with avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x00.  I then tried to upload the sketch to another arduino board that was within arms reach of my computer (Flyduino MEGA 2560) and had immediate success.  The problem is definitely with the jDrones ioBoard, as the serial monitor window displayed continuous counting after uploading to the multiwii arduino board but nothing after uploading with the error message to ioBoard!

    I think that the solution must be to load the .hex firmware to your boards via AVR programming interface, but don't know where the equivalent ISP headers are on the jDrones board.  Can you tell me which pins to connect an AVR programmer to so I can attempt to reload the firmware?  I'm a little inexperienced with that process, but do have the required hardware to perform such an operation if given the proper instructions.

    Thanks, in advance, for all your help.  Hope you are having a nice day!

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