And now the Fun Begins
It's time, the planing is complete, the mission has been established, and the electronics platform for the HK1, is on order. I have taken easy route, and decided to order a plane that I will customize for my project, I think that this will be fairly successful and as my first UAV I think that's saying alot! I will take the wing set and install them into a redesigned fuse, that will house the electronics and powerplant. This plane is unique and blends the hobbies, that I love! Robotics, R/C planes and Rockets, just to name and few! And if you think that is a type then you are nistaken! that is correct, this UAV is desiged the be a Quick Response Vehicle, what's the use in working on a electronics Prototype if you don't have a goal for it? This particular plane will be rocket powered on take off allowing it to be dispached to a locatation that we may not be able to get to quickly and then transistion into a slow flight, currently I am working on a time on station of like three - five hours, but to start, lets just work on getting her home! .... Pictures on and schematics to come shortly so stay tuned the build will be awesome!On a side note, anyone out there have any guidance for vision tracking? and help on one of those awesome little camera ball units?