Much like the Brookstone Rover Revolution I'd recommend having a drive camera that is locked facing in the forward position and also the 360 degrees view dome shaped camera atop the rover. Chamfering out the 4 corners on top of the rover would allow for the top camera to be able to see anything anywhere. Brookstone has always incorporated very nice night vision to all their Rover Cameras. I've used their Night Vision capabilities in almost all of their rovers and It's top quality night vision that can allow you to see 20+ feet in complete darkness. They offer their rover for always under $200 for the whole package cameras included and all so I know that the nightvision tech can't be extremely expensive
3-4 Days ago I ordered the Brookstone Rover Revolution... But after seeing the 3DR rover I called brookstone this morning and canceled my order so I can save up to get on a waiting list for the 3DR Rover if 3DR is doing a waiting list again like the IRIS. If anyone from 3DR works with the Rover Dev can you please contact me. I have a few questions about the rover.
I'm doing a news piece on this event and searching out non company affiliated people to message me with a small paragraph or more of their experience at the mini maker faire in San Diego. Also if you have anymore photos or video footage let me know. I'd love to share it in the news piece.
Thanks for sending me the videos and connecting me with the photos!!! Much appreciated. I will enjoy doing a piece on your experience at the mini maker faire. Please keep in contact Scott.
Much like the Brookstone Rover Revolution I'd recommend having a drive camera that is locked facing in the forward position and also the 360 degrees view dome shaped camera atop the rover. Chamfering out the 4 corners on top of the rover would allow for the top camera to be able to see anything anywhere. Brookstone has always incorporated very nice night vision to all their Rover Cameras. I've used their Night Vision capabilities in almost all of their rovers and It's top quality night vision that can allow you to see 20+ feet in complete darkness. They offer their rover for always under $200 for the whole package cameras included and all so I know that the nightvision tech can't be extremely expensive
3-4 Days ago I ordered the Brookstone Rover Revolution... But after seeing the 3DR rover I called brookstone this morning and canceled my order so I can save up to get on a waiting list for the 3DR Rover if 3DR is doing a waiting list again like the IRIS. If anyone from 3DR works with the Rover Dev can you please contact me. I have a few questions about the rover.
I'm doing a news piece on this event and searching out non company affiliated people to message me with a small paragraph or more of their experience at the mini maker faire in San Diego. Also if you have anymore photos or video footage let me know. I'd love to share it in the news piece.
Never saw the pusher part of this but the quad did fly. The cage they were flying may have been a little small?
Thanks for sending me the videos and connecting me with the photos!!! Much appreciated. I will enjoy doing a piece on your experience at the mini maker faire. Please keep in contact Scott.
Joshua Johnson - Diy Drones News
Some Video to add as well..