1) ArduCopter 2.0.40 is now live in the Mission Planner and for download. This is by far the best ArduCopter yet. You should see much better Altitude Hold, Loiter should stay in a 1m box, RTL should be an awesome line right back home, Waypoints should be on rails, Camera stabilization works better, etc. Upgrade now! (Remember that you must go though the reset/setup process again in the Mission Planner. A full post on the changes coming soon...
2) There's also a new version of APM in the Mission Planner (It's still showing as 2.23, but we'll increment that display to 2.24 shortly) as well as for download. This fixes all sorts of subtle bugs, including EEPROM corruption, memory overflows, Xbee bricking, etc. You really want these--trust me. Remember that you must go through a board reset/setup again after loading the new code.
3) We've migrated our code repository from Subversion to Git. It's still on Google Code, but if you've been pulling code from the repository, you must now switch to a Git client. All the code is now in the APM repository as explained below. You can see the directory structure here. A guide to using Git is here.
4) As part of the repository reorganization we're doing some cleanup of our branding. From now on, here is the way the project is organized:
The hardware platform and overall project is called ArduPilot Mega.
- The fixed wing code is called ArduPlane (current version 2.24)
- The rotary wing (multicopter and traditional heli) code is called ArduCopter (current version 2.0.40)
- The ground-vehicle code is called ArduRover
- The lighter-than-air code is called ArduBlimp
- Etc...
The Git repository reflects this organization.
Phew. There's more but I'll save that for tomorrow. We've been busy!
Hi all,
just wanted to share a link which helped me to get started with git. It's written for people who know svn and move to git: from svn to git
@Chris: thanks for the transitioning, simplifies merging local changes to the trunk a lot it seems. Do you think it would be possible to tag the release versions in the repo somehow so that one could always merge to the latest "stable" version? (it used to be that normal users should not fly with the latest code changes since they were considered experimental)
Chris I tried that but I don't get updates. Maybe I'm confuse thinking there are updates and actually there are not.
Looking at GitGUI history my copy is up to date. But looking at Changes (http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/source/list) it looks different with some recent updates. What am I missing?
Jose Angel thanks for the suggestion! I've installed TortoiseGit and I like it!
I have been using tortoise svn during the last two years, and I'm finding git hard to use...
I'm sure it's just me because my brain is still thinking in a "tortoise" way, and try to look for 'Update' and 'Log' all the time :)
I'm now testing TortoiseGit, and menus and actions are similar to my old experience with svn....
I'm not suggestingy in any way, that TortoiseGit is better than git bash or gitGui. Probably it isn't. I don't even know if it's stable or it is widely used.
I'm still a bit new to Git myself, but here's what I do using GitGUI. After I've cloned a local version of the repository, I open the repository in GitGUI and select Remote/Fetch/Origin to update all files.
Remember that there can be branches as well. If you go to Browse Branch Files/Tracking Branch you can see the Camera control branch, for example. (This will be merged into the trunk as soon as its fully tested)
Hello Chris, I'm newbie to GIT and need some help, I'm not sure how to update to new revisions.
With TortoiseSVN I do right click on the folder, TortoiseSVN -> Show Log. I can see the list of revisions with details, local revision in bold, and easily update or check the difference to any revision.
Now I got Git installed and running as the tutorial. I was able to get a copy of the repository. But now I don't know how to see and update to new revisions.
Trent, you cannot trust on GPS altitude as on some locations it can be rock solid from year to year and then again another place altitude change change over 200 meters in less than 3-5 minutes.
i was always under the impression that the GPS determined the altitude and not the barometric pressure.
Could be wrong though
I can clone the repository fine, but am wondering if there is any way to determine which commits correspond with particular code releases (e.g. APM 2.24).
Thank you,
Please download the latest planner from here http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/downloads/list . with the git change the updater no long looks in the correct place. once you upgrade you should have acess to the latest builds of both AC and AP
In arducopter code, if not customized through apm_config.h or MP, default value for ALT_HOLD_HOME is 8 (meters). Internally in the code all values are converted to cm = 800.