(Shown at left above, with a Locosys LS20033 GPS module for size comparison)
ArduPilot is designed to use the solid and reliable EM406 GPS module, which is a 5v, 1Hz device that works well under most conditions. But if you want more precise navigation, you may want to upgrade to the 5Hz Locosys module that Dean Goedde is using with AttoPilot. That's a 3.3v module, so you can't just plug it into the ArduPilot board. Instead, Jordi has designed a special daughterboard that does the following:
--Converts ArduPilot's 5v power to 3.3v power
--Provides a EM406 connector, so it's a direct plug-in replacement for the EM406
--Provides a break-out connector so you can add a wireless modem, such as a Zigbee.
--Power LED
We may release this as a pre-made product, but in the meantime you can make your own.
Buy the board from BatchPCB here.
Eagle files (schematic and PCB) are here.
The Blackstork has a voltage output of 5v as does the Ardupilot, but the LS20033 says it voltage should be 3.3min 3.3 typ and 4.2 max...
I see that the Daughter board detailed above is for the LS20031, this has the same power requirements LS20033. Will running the LS20033 kill it (i assume it would be no good) and if so why would it be supplied with the Blackstork that delivers 5v to the gps???
Finally I assume that given the correct voltages are applied, I can just tap into the TTL data output from the LS20033 and supply it to both the Ardupilot and the Blackstork, is this correct?
Tychoc did you end up having a spare daughter board in OZ you would be will to sell.. I am based in Brisbane?
I have ordered the Locosys LS20033 GPS and i wonder if i could use only a 3.3 voltage regulator to get the gps to powered, should i have some caps?