I had posted the following blog for developing possibly real application. My partner Ian, he is a bit of a jock and does not want to give up. Anyway, using Spektrum DX8, he was able to hook up the Mag lifter to "Pick Up and Deliver Cargo". You can see the video on our website.
There are couple of issues remaining-
1. Copter being not very stable, was not able to pick-up in one shot
2. The Mag Lifter metal plate needed to be larger
3. A guide catcher needs to be made to direct the lifting cradle.
4. The Lifter works best, if there is a 2-3mm spacing between the metal plate and the mag lifter bottom surface:
Please look at the video and post views-
My Partner and I have retrofitted a 3DR's IRIS with a designed cradle for the lifter. It has worked fine with the Pixhawk Controller, 8 Channel PPM Encoder, and 8 Channel Tx/Rx. Here is a link to the lifter-
Currently, it engages the payload with a manual On Switch located on the PCB, and disengages the load with an assigned switch on the Radio.
I believe that Mag Lifter is designed and programmed to use more than 8 Channel TX/RX to enjoy its full potential. We would like to lift-
1. Cargo Load by the Radio
2. Release the Load by the Radio
3. Off course, the lift/drop will be FPV/GPS assisted
In order to do this, we would like to use Walkera DEVO 12S with RX1201.I would like to entertain input to the following:
1. 12 Channel Encoder- where and how to get it?
2. Also, add a redundant positive grip to the lifted load on top of the magnet using mechanical means
Note 1: This simulation should be only conducted with safety and due diligence.
Note 2: I will post the details of the Carbon Fiber Kits as soon as the drawings are complete.
Euan and Alex- On the topic of:
Guide- We are thinking of, a carbon fiber two halves bucket skeleton structure on pivots attached to the cradle. When the two halves hit he ground, it opens up like a clasp, and once lifted gets a positive catch under the box. Similarly, the other end one ground has an affixed inverse bucket skeleton structure for guide.
Bar Code- It should be more of Product Bar Code and GPS coordinates. One for delivery confirmation, and other for mission planner input
Camera, Gimbal and Accessories- Consider using a 4mm fixed magic eye, weighing using less than 10 gms
Iris- Currently, It is not designed structurally to carry larger payloads, as well motors does not produce enough lift. Iris is very good platform to prove your concepts.
do you think there is enough room in the center square for a bar code reader? I'm thinking a sticker of some sort affixed to the package which the copter can scan that contains a delivery address. the copter comes in grabs the package, scans the address and heads out. this way your fleet basically operates on its own.
We do an 8 magnet version too...(not finished building this one - you can see the empty slots where the missing plates go).

These aren't really disposable though. Just too expensive and complex. This was one of the criticisms I got from the First Responders I interviewed on return from Nepal (I was invited to go with my system, but I couldn't make it).
I'm working on new ones that are much more "disposable" (ie cheaper to make, build and buy).
Eu an - that was the issue we had with our T3 challenge entry. We didn't have enough time to fix it for the entry so we substituted.
Nice looking cradle btw.
A guide catcher? Something like a collar you mean? (this is from our 4 magnet system)
We don't use this for guiding; it's more effective at stopping payload yaw rotation.
Nick- It is an excellent input. Thank you!
Nick- There are going to be more questions on this, so hang tight. The purpose of the blog is, before we close it, anyone who is interested should be able to assemble a unit on their own.
If your auxiliary channels will be manually controlled (not requiring logic from the Pixhawk), one solution to having many more channels is to use a radio such as the FRSky X8R. It can send channels 1-8 to the Pixhawk via S.Bus, leaving channels 9-16 available for PWM output. You'll need a compatible transmitter such as the FrSky Taranis
The actual site address is http://agiledrones.com
Randy and David- Thank you for the input. The website http://agiledrone.com/ is still under construction. I apologize for the oversight. The link in the main body is fixed. We are professionally shooting the video, and post it as soon we are done.
In regards to Copter 3.3 using 12 Channel PPM Encoder is a welcome news. Which preferred Tx/Rx is being planned to be used it. In the interim, can you suggest something else with it. However, we are ordering one from:
Just here to confirm that the link is dead.