Here's the latest on Pipo board development. Code already contains AHRS, PID, PWM and multiplexer routines. I still need to complete the AP/GPS routines, the simple configurations via the radio and only after that I'll tackle the AP routines.
As it is I think I'm doing OK for space. I'm currently using ~40% of program space and ~15% of eeprom space so there should be enough room left over for the AP.
I'm actually trying to break from the "quad controller" tag. :)
It can be a quad controller but it can just as easily control a fixed-wing airplane, a heli or a camera gimbal. All in the same software. The multiplexer is really flexible. If you're familiar with the er9x software you'll feel right at home.
Thanks d-creator :]
Next task an oil pan that has 4 ESCs on it :)