The PX4 firmware is improving in leaps and bounds. RC mode is very solid now (see demo above), and the full UAV ArduCopter port, which the APM dev teams are working hard on, now compiles on the ARM hardware, which is a big step. Very exciting.
We're planning a public beta of ArduCopter on PX4 by year end.
PX4 can not be the next ArduPilot platform, because it is not ready to fly out of the box. APM 2.5 is just plug and play solution. So, the next APM, as I think, will be based on the same MCU STM32F4, but will looks like APM 2.5
It will lose second MCU, cause STM32F4 already support usb, and it will have more integrated sensors like MPU-9250. So the board can be smaller or have additional integrated hardware.
Neil, I believe I saw some comments from Chris to that effect, that PX4 is the next step and you won't necessarily see a "ArdupilotDue" board. But I can't find them right now...
So are the PX4 boards the "Next" platform step for arducopter?
If not does anyone know where the arducopter/plane/rover roadmap go next to a more powerful capable processor?
Thanks all!
Does it feel more locked in than Arducopter on an APM2.5? Just curious as to how it "feels". I bought a Naza and thew it on yesterday and am very impressed with its nice, smooth feel. Even moving the cyclic sticks to the extremes and then releasing them quickly - the quad is very controlled and the return to center is fast but damped. Can't wait until Arducopter feels like this!
SSSWEET! Don't mind the caps Chris, just excited:)
We're porting both ArduCopter and ArduPlane. They share the same software foundation, so they should be out at around the same time.
great! any plans on porting the fixed wing side?