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  • @adam, what is the maximum mAh RVjet can take. i intend to install 3x5000mAh 3S with a total weight of 1100 grams. can it take that load. i like the pan/tilt mechanism

  • I really like the built in pan/tilt too.

  • @b nevins-All the above.  Fly the short wing for speed and agility or put the extended wing on for more lift capability and endurance.

  • It looks like some real nice quality construction.  I'm curious about the more efficient design question.  Is it intended for better range, lifting, or speed than the X8?

  • @Austin- Besides being made out of EPO, Not even close to an X-8.  Smaller and much more efficient design, plus the ability to have 2 different wing configurations.

  • Look the same as a x8 but worse. I'll pass thanks. New techpod is my idea of a nice uav.
  • Currently they come the way I show the in the video.   I know Range Video will be selling every individual part as a spare so I guess you could "ala carte" it out that way.  I don't intent to sell that way at least for now.  All the components were selected to optimize the airframe and flight characteristics.

  • Can we buy just the foam and mounts?

    I have more bloody servos than I could possibly use in three lifetimes lying around. 

  • Yes Foam, 3 pan tilt mounts, 3 lexan nose covers, 4 metal gear servos, servo leads, 2 different wing configurations, vibration mount for autopilot and custom fit box/case.

  • Just foam for $249.95

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