Are model planes dangerous? Are multicopters dangerous?
Below is a link to a thread showing what happens to people who thought they weren't.
WARNING: Most of the images in the thread are VERY graphic, including severed fingers and large open wounds!
Don't have a meal before viewing...
Please everyone, take an extra bit of care with your propeller driven craft! Safety of the people, safety of the vehicle.
I have two "hanger queens" at the moment....they are both glow planes (.40 and .60 size) that I have converted to electric thinking of the noise factor, but I look at the field I fly at and there are houses surrounding it and even though I have set up failsafes, the big one weighs a good 4kg, imagine that crashing through someones roof....big problems coming my way...Also I have got into the habit of activating the throttle lock on my TX before connecting the battery, testing said lock after connection and doing the same after landing to carry the craft...
I couldn't go through all the pictures. Just too much like "Freddie" had been there. I am really careful but it's the other guy I worry about. I try to fly alone or with just a very few people.
When working near RC aircraft, In addition to safey googgles, I would recommend people to buy some safety gloves. Something I did after learning my lesson the hard way. The pair I got is really comfortable, and has nice protective padding over the delicate finger-tip bits that I would like to keep. I now put them on any time I go near a live prop.
Wait I thought they were "practically un-crashable and safe".. okay I will stop trolling. Yeah every time I fly I think about my fingers being cut up like those.. which at 10k RPMs is very likely with a mis-step.
So many potential points of failure in a UAV or UAS, from individual components up through "final" assembly and testing, and after that during operations for every single, intended flight. Typically followed by repair, maintenance, and more testing before the next intended flight. Protected props would help, but anything above toy-class can still do harm at high speed. And not everyone in the airspace (groundspace, too...) is likely to have a helmet, vest, or a towel ready for some protection. Thanks for posting the graphic reminders to look for every possible way to avoid an accident or incident.
Yeah the Ham sliced hand.....his days of holding a transmitter are buggered!
Last week one guy was killed by a GAUI X7 here in Switzerland. Someone found him dead on a field with the crashed heli close to him. Left a wife and 2 little chilldren. The story was on newspapers for days here and now there is the usual "I-have-no-clue-but-an-opinion" discussion. I hope they don't change one of th most liberal rc flight regulations worldwide we have here in Switzerland (do what you want, just ask the ground owner, get an insurance, stay 5Km for airports and below 30Kg TOW)
My input is that bench tests are more likely to cause an accident than actual flights. So make sure you guys keep all the safety procedures on all aspects given by the manufacturer companies. Wear some goggles and don't power up motors with props installed if not necessary for the test. There are numerous reports that motors start spinning without intentional input. Personally i had a 500 copter start spinning on the table while my head was under the prop. I was very lucky i didn't panic and exited the prop path. That was the only incident i came across that would have resulted in personal injury.
Pull up a sandbag, when I started at this game in the 70's as a boy electric motors did not exist for mortals. A string of .75 then 1 and whoop whoop 1.5cc diesel engines were hard to start and gave you a heck of a kick when you got it wrong so you soon learnt about sissy sticks, rubber fingers and getting out of the way of the prop. Those were wooden props as well.
Now we have every time instant start sharpened plastic blades. Back in the day you struggled to keep it going and could not afford to break props.
This chaps a proper modeller look at his fuel mix in the comments...
Too many folks are arriving with no model flying experience here. Be careful.