Recent development with ( ) and University Victoria ENGR466 class, created the SeaMonkey ROV using a Arduino based control system.
our facebook group has some pictures this is a non profit development
Recent development with ( ) and University Victoria ENGR466 class, created the SeaMonkey ROV using a Arduino based control system.
our facebook group has some pictures this is a non profit development
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This design will be a open hardware and software eventually this development was designed for teaching young children and for the time being we will be testing the design to prove its capability’s before putting to public in early 2013, we are a non profit group with few numbers so it takes time to implement changes.
The software will be compatible with Mac, Linux, Win and Android with full mobile support for android phones allowing the sea-monkey to fly from the phone.
Current on screen info
Depth, Temp, Heading, Power usage, Current, Data quality, Video (HD), Pitch, Roll
Electronics water detects and temp in enclosures
The ArduPilot provides a great platform for this unit and lots of expansion for our new radiation detector that will be getting fitted soon in collaborations with Microsec R&D
I'm closely following the OpenROV project (actually sometimes contributing to it too) and yes, lots of progress lately.
Now there is also a community edited wiki:
I'm building one and blogging about my progress too: (also some posts on my attempt at building the arducopter too)
This might not be news to many but I will mention the similar OpenROV project. It is built on a BeagleBone and might be more "on a budget". OpenROV has made tons of progress in the past 6 months. See