Hi Guys,
The title is a little bit ambitious but i guess no one tried to lift a GoPro with a 140gr Micro Quadrocopter before :D
The throttle was %80 when flying with half drained 2S LiPO battery, this is why it is a little bit aggressive.
This is my micro quadro setup
Controller:Opensource OpenLRS Multi receiver with Gyro and Acc with onboard radio receiver
Firmware: MultiWii v1.9 (modified for OpenLRS onboard receiver)
Frame: MQ-200 microquad frame
Props: HK 5x3 (black/red) props.
ESCs: FL6A Fast PWM 6A ESC (Hobby King 6A with firware update)
Motors: HK 10gr
@Flying Monkey,
My setup is 140gr and including 50gr battery + 15gr antenna and connectors, this is less than you suggested :)
OpenLRS Multi board including receiver and controller and weight is only 7gr ;)
I'm using 16gr version(20gr with antenna) of it now, I can remove these extras.
@Jan, Quality 10 times better than tea spoons(gws 5030) :)
But already have a very small balance problem. I balanced all of them with 10x10mm size 3M transparent paper band. And they are very quite and efficent props.
How is the quality of these new 5" propellers from HobbyKing? Are they well balanced? The fake GWS 5" propellers they had before where very very bad!
That is really awesome!
I was thinking maybe you could go with a lighter, more aerodynamic frame design like this http://www.rcexplorer.se/projects/miniquad/miniquad.html (scroll all the way to the bottom for the final frame design). And there's at least an inch or two of motor wire that could be shortened, not that it's much. Of course, for someone wanting a mini-quad to lift just a gopro... use the KK board, it's light and uses very little power, and you can use it for half the hub if you're willing to hot glue or epoxy it to the arms.
No, I'm sure everything working with 2S lipo battery :)
At first balance all motors before usage, bearing resistance is important these small size motors. Then use new HK 5030 props, not old GWS 5030 props. They are better as tea spoon, not as propeller :))
Something should be is wrong... I own this motor, with 5x3 prop it is not even able to hover its own weight.
At HK the recommended prop is 7x5, which is right.
Maybe you power it from 3s?
@Adam, please click the part names above for product links. I didn't calculate the cost because i'm producing the frame and controller(+receiver). I had to buy other parts for testing my equipment.
Very nice.This is rather a GoPro with propellers
Thanks guys :)
@Sandro: There is the link of FL6A ESCs: http://www.flytron.com/multicopter-parts/178-fl.html
We are loading Simon's ESC firmware on HK 6A ESCs. You dont need to buy from us if you have enough programming and soldering skills(pads very very small) , you can make them by your self.
Standard and Fast PWM ESC difference is huge. My Micro Quad working with every PID value after new ESCs, I guess correcting the position before PID calculations require.
Nice work! What was the total cost to build excluding the gopro?
Thats interesting. Im building (when the parts come in) a similar sized quad with the HobbyKing PCB frame and I was wondering if it could hold a GoPro.