I know I'm probably going to get some heat for posting this, but some of you may enjoy a little collage of a "day in the life of a BlackSheep" nonetheless
If it helps, all approvals necessary were obtained, an army of ground helpers were available, as well as constant communication with the heliport tower to stay in the loop about incoming traffic.
@ Trappy, don't forget to freeze your airplane before attempting that speed record.
Ok, so the security was more about spotters making sure there weren't any gross problems. The whole thing seems like... ok, so it wasn't exactly like Disney World safety, but I'm sure the person crossing the street was at much greater risk of getting hit by a car than hit by a plane.
I don't think anybody can reasonably argue against that point. I'd much rather get hit by his plane, than a car. And anybody who comes anywhere near a roadway is at risk of getting hit by a car, yet everybody seems fine with that. Why? Because it's "normal". The only thing different about his airplane flight is that it's not normal.
@Paul, I really don't know where you're getting your assumptions about forces. Both my motorcycle and car helmets are lined with rigid foam. I also have rigid foam FIA rated SFCI foam on my rollcage. It's not soft stuff. If you punched that foam, you'd break your hand. But, it works to protect a skull. The people who designed these things actually did the testing and engineering required instead of just guessing at the forces involved.
Simon Salykov, none of the stunts were flown with full throttle in this video, most of them at less speed than the impact posted above. I'm still around even though I flew into myself at a 45 degree angle right into my throat. these kind of things don't happen every day (contrary to what some here may have you believe), getting them on video is already rare enough.
Paul Mather, do you have a license to post garbage on the internet? or are you just trying to wind me up? keep trying ... :) all you've achieved thus far is that this video will remain in the "top content" box for another week or so. LOL
What kind of license do you have? A driver's license? Governments don't let people do things like that unless they have the ability to take it away. You are not licensed....
Trappy, was it really full throttle? And it doesn't show what has happened to you or whoever was piloting the plane. Not that convincing.
Paul, I'm with you on all of that!
In your opinion. Citation needed. Proof withheld until further notice. And all that stuff :)
I love how people continuously focus on the "hit a person it could kill" debate, and once I show that "crashed into myself" video the discussion always goes back to "well it's still dangerous and bad for FPV". It kind of reminds me of myself ... when I was 4 years old :)
I love Trappy's videos flying over moutain ranges, through tunnels on some tiny road somewhere in the middle of nowhere....touching the tree tops. All cool as hell. As soon as he starts flying over civilization, his actions are totally irresponsible and horrible for anyone interested in FPV's, UAV's or R/C flying.
There is no such thing as obtaining approvals to fly over all those buildings and people. If he was actually making a movie, perhaps. Big studios have deep pockets and big insurance policies....as well as licensed pilots.
Ellison Chan, very interesting. Do you have a suggestion how I can get the foam to this kind of speed? I want to break the world record for electric flight!
Anyways, I think what Trappy's video is showing is a responsible flyer, who did the correct things, to ensure safe flying. He got permission, had spotters, and flew within safety limits with professional quality equipment. I don't think people are arguing that. It's just a discussion about safety in general.
Simon, I actually have one of these on my YouTube channel. Here you go: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pCUAO59yxWA
Paul Mather, I'd like to ask you to distinguish between terminal velocity and cruise speed. And - if given the choice - I'd prefer the Zephyr in my face any day. You can go ahead and take the hammer, it would make the discussion here pretty one-sided from then on forward though :)