Its been a while so lets try again. Had a hangout with Chris and we briefly spoke about the next T3 round. Chris will work on a top prize ;-)
The mission is simple, get airborne climb to 20m
Fly a cube with 50m sides, pausing for one minute at each corner, so your flight time cannot be anything less than 8 minutes..... Bonus points if you can stay longer at each corner....
The neatest cube KML wins.
If you can do this with a 3D aircraft I feel you would have a very strong chance of winning!
I will close the competition on April the 14th. I will be looking at where you are flying very closely. Please don't try this in public places or within 500m of any building / road.
Sorry for the newb question
Yeah, and I really want to get a Heli entry in. It won't be a winner but.... I managed to get it all tuned up for a successful RTL on Sunday. So weather permitting, I should be good to go for this weekend.
I'd actually like one more attempt. I'm not sure I'll get to the AQ level quite but I think I can get close with the not-yet-released 2.9.2 code.
Thank you all for your comments! :D
@Scott, I known that Matlat/Octave is a bit overkill for this problem, but I wanted to do the conversion from (x,y,z) to (lat,long,alt) by myself...
@David, It seams that there is a waypoint in the KMZ file that sits near the equador... I'm not sure why...
Scott, if you look earlier in this thread, I posted explicit instructions for the altitude changes with 2.9.1. It's a bit broken, so it required a bit of a hack.
Best way to clean out the motors would be with automotive brake cleaner. It's the same chemical as electrical cleaner. Just don't do it in your house. ;) And be sure to oil the bearings really well after, as it will completely strip them of oil.
Gave this a try today - not so good. I pushed a little too far past where I should have on battery life and came down hard. Oh well, no real harm done - the quad is built to come apart without breaking things so all I lost was about 3/4" of one arm. Anyone know how to get mud out of outrunners? :)
Question for you gurus - the quad was hitting the corners pretty well, but I guess I don't really understand how to script a vertical elevation change. I had expected that if I were loitering at a specific Lat/Long ant 20 meters, and the next waypoint was that same lat & long but at 70 meters, it would simply ascend. Not what it did. Got lots of diagonal climbs and descents.
The first of the many tasks I would like to accomplish is precision photos of crops and the Autoquad is ready to do what now. The rest of the tasks are closer to the ground so the Autoquad will need more sensors and more precise GPS to do those jobs..