TBS Disco - first flight report

Another TBS disco build...


Flies surprisingly well! It still seems a bit "pendulum-y" in pitch, but on the whole, it flies very straight and true. Needs a fair bit of power to get in the air though. But yet another unrequested land event for reasons unknown. I wasn't stressing it at the time. I have one of these nearly once a pack.


Take off throttle: Around 65%

Flight time: Around 14 minutes, pushing it around.

Compassmot: 0%. Yup.

Vibes: Good (and this while pushing it around a bit). Full sticks will take it to the recommended +/-5 limit though.


COG: With a 5000mAh 3S, I'm on the furthest internal rungs on the frame. This in turn pushes the APM to overhang the Core a fair bit. This meant putting in 4x 6mm risers, and balancing the APM on these, using double moongel corners. A whole section of moongel was placed over the core, which helped keep the APM level.


- V config selected

- Roll and pitch linked

P: 0.145


D: 0.008

- Yaw - P bumped to: 0.225

All other dynamics settings at factory default (I've made changes to RTL and failsafes though).


- TBS Disco version 1.3 with "Core" (inc the worst screws ever to come out of china btw)

- APM 2.5+ with double moongel corners

- APM power module

- External "2.6" GPS

- DJI riser (cut to 5cm...c'mon 3DR, some longer wires for the new unit please!)

- Rctimer Simonk 30A OPTO escs with one twist in power cable and shortened to 3cm before soldering

- Spektrum AR8000 (telemetry disconnected this time)

- T-Motor 2216-11's

- Graupeur e-power 1050 props (will upgrade to CF once flight tuning is done)

- Immersionrc 5.8 25mwW + bluebeam (yes, that's *way* underpowered!)

- 433mhz 3DR telemetry

- Nano-tech 5000mAh 3S.

First flight post-PID calibration. Some high frequency vibes at the edge of frame; not sure what's causing those yet. PID's too high? Flew FPV via gopro and crappy whip aerial while waiting for bluebeam and CCD; was ok actually - surprisingly good range!

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  • Awesome build... Thanks for sharing. I've got a TBS as well and we all really need to share to find what works best. I'm surprised that you can fit the 5000 mAh in the back - mine doesn't fit
  • In fact, t-motor themselves have the motor running "hot" on 1038 and 4S (here). Should I worry?

  • Cool - I'll look into a 4S battery then; ecalc says my 2216's will overheat though, with 1050 props? ecalc has the motors taking too much power (274w vs designed max of 210w). But t-motor have the 2216's ok with up to 4S and 280w...which one is correct? I'm assuming t-motor...

  • Time-lapse of my build. I run 5000mah 3s and have no problems 14m 23s flight time.



    Rc Timer Motors [balanced cans]

    Naza M V1 + GPS

    Frsky VR8 V2

    30amp ESC SimonK Flashed

    600TVL Security camera 2000 3.6mm lens

    250mw 5.8ghz

    Super simple OSD, Volts/Timer

    Gopro Hero

    1468grams total weight with battery & gopro hero

  • Euan,

    I agree with ikrase, better of with a 4S battery makes a lot of difference. Had the same issue when using 3S.
    I'm also using a 4S one in my setup (MT2213-935KV, 20A simonK esc, DJI 10x3.8 props)

  • You'd probably do better with a 4s battery. I use APC 10x4.7 props and a 4s 4.5mAh battery. 

  • Something is wrong, I get 14:23 out of my TBS with 9x5 E props and 3s 5000mah

    what is your total weight in grams ?

    have you balanced the motor cans and props ?

  • Nice to see all the Disco's with an APM, I've spent about 2 weeks trying to tune mine. Some days are better than others. But with a newborn my time is limited. I have my APM over where the Core would be just to get it away from battery interference. I got 6% interference but im also using some MUMetal over the positive traces in the board. You should consider a 4s battery, it was like night and day once I upgraded. With a 3s ThrottleMid was 620 the 4s got that to 450. 

    Enjoy flying.

  • How do you like those motors?  My TBS is sitting because I'm convinced the stock DJI motors are probably the worst I've ever used.  Do you have enough lift with those props?

  • Ill try...some side shots do?


    Hope you can see that:

    - ive used the last position for the battery bay risers.

    - the APM sits directly in front of them, with a small space for the servo outputs

    - the front overhangs the Core

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