I have started to assemble my parts list for my Globalhawk[1] UAV.
Google Docs: Teque5 UAV BuildI am having trouble deciding on a lot of specifics, but i hope to have something conclusive before the weekend is over. I am very open to comments on my first foray into the DIY Drones world. I am specifically looking for recommendations on a battery. Is is possible to get 2+ Hours long duration w/some kind of LiPo pack?ps. Have you guys checked out Wolfram Alpha? It launched today and is sweet as hell.[1] I haven't settled on the RQ-4 Global Hawk airframe yet, but this one looks pretty nice.
Wow ok, well lets cross the Global Hawk off the list, how about the Easy Glider Electric? Having throttle, elevator, rudder, and ailerons for control and a two piece wing sounds like the best option. The only reason i don't want to use an EasyStar is b/c it doesn't have aileron control (tho i have seen mods).
EDF (electric ducted fans) have a relatively high current draw and will typically give 4 to 8minutes of flight. They are more suited to higher air speeds so really not the best choice for a UAV.
I've got that foam GlobalHawk you linked to. It's pretty small and flimsy, but might be okay for a starter. I definitely wouldn't make it my first UAV, though...
It is possible to get the flight time out of lipos, but you will be making a big bird then that will not be flyable in most parts of the world without qualifications.
I noticed you list the Mega 16/15/4. I think you'd rip off EasyStar wings with that, and current draw will be very high! It's a speed pusher jet inrunner, perfect for the Funjet but not the best choice for your purpose, in my opinion.