3D Robotics

UDT UAVforge.net Entry

The Cooper Union - Unmanned Development Team

UAVforge.net Entry,


The Aeolis UDMA


Let me know about any improvements you guys can come up with, and vote for it if you like it!

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  • 3D Robotics

    Alot of other similar platforms rely on the same vane control system with a smaller moment:

    Hover Eye: http://defense-update.com/products/h/hovereye.htm

    Honeywell VTOL: http://www51.honeywell.com/aero/common/documents/myaerospacecatalog...

    Tailsitter Flying Wing: Just found this (to my pleasant surprise) http://contentdm.lib.byu.edu/ETD/image/etd2372.pdf

  • 3D Robotics

    I had seen the Vbat at the start of the project, using it as a bit of inspiration and a reminder that "stable" VTOL flight is possible with the CG above the propellor. I am going to be relying heavily on the autopilot to make the airplane flyable, so as to minimize the effects of the compromise between the position of the cg for both flight modes. Im looking at a thrust to weight ratio of about 1.4 : 1 which is cutting it a bit close, but i think it should still be able to make it out of a transition. Im not looking to do a stall based transition, i was thinking more along the lines of gradual arc from vertical to horizontal.


    I had seen your comment on someones question pertaining to ducted fan design, any rule of thumbs you could offer? I have a decrease in outlet area on a ~4 degree slope from the inlet area to get a bit of compression, but seeing as this is operating more as a shrouded propeller than a ducted fan, is it worth it? I have a 1250 watt motor that im probably (depending on testing) going to use a 3 Blade propeller on to get a good amount of disc loading in the comparatively small [to the dia of the recommended propellors] duct diameter im using. 


  • Julian

    have a look at these links, http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=653652

    which eventually developed into http://www.guidedsys.com/VTOL/sicx-300v-uav.php

    and i guess this as well



    this type of transition is unstable, utilizing a stall at height. Better to climb out but this requires power and thrust.

    CofG will be your major issue for stability in hover you will need it low.....conversely fixed wing flight will require a fwd CofG. An AP suitable for unstable flight may solve some problems.


  • Moderator

    I am cobbling together a page of entries http://www.suasnews.com/2011/10/9204/uavforge-entries/ so will add this one. Team Icarus Labs is also using Ardupilot.




    Its here for voting, http://www.uavforge.net/ and yes its a horrid site!

  • 3D Robotics

    Ugh. I remember now. My condolences ;-)

  • 3D Robotics

    Its an idiotic Flash Based website, the youtube link is the best i could do.

  • 3D Robotics

    If you want us to vote for it, it would help to link to this project on the UAVForge site

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