Last year Fritzing came along as a virtual Arduino sandbox, a way to simulate a breadboard and components and run Arduino code to test the circuit. Now VirtualBreadboard, which has been around for a decade, has expanded to simulate Arduino, too. I haven't tried it out, but it looks very handy for travel coding (which I've been doing too much of lately).
BTW, I hear that Fritzing lost their German government grant, so I'm not sure what effect that will have on the project's development. It is an awesome concept, improved by the ability to order a PCB of your design, so I hope they can find other funding sources soon.
(via Makezine)
Hi i am new to diydrone. I have a question VirtualBreadBoard no longer freeware and fritzing does not have the parts that i want to use for my arduino shield. Does some one make there own parts for Fritzing or does some one know a good altenatif?