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  • 3D Robotics
    Mike, no I don't. Please explain.
  • Chris, with respect your moderation is rather inconsistent - I think you will appreciate why I am saying this.
  • Moderator
    It has to do with way the emergency recovery parachute system flips the drone on it back protecting the expensive bits and pieces.
  • Admin
    Any particular reason for having inverted V tail in original Predator and other similar UAVs ? :-)
  • The focus is not meant to be political, but UAS/RPA community preservation.

    I called this one a few years ago. You start weaponizing these things and they’ll be looked upon as a negative by the general public. CIA + x, doesn’t always equal a positive. Same thing will be hard to avoid when the Type II sUAS gets out into the world. The ACLU and black helicopter crowd are going to wail and cry about privacy. Then there’s us…
  • Original predator has downward tail:

    Predator B has upward tail:

    Reaper looks like Predator B, but bigger:


  • I was also thinking can't hurt to identify the picture with NASA on it, or if want to get real fancy, make it a link to information about the research craft.
  • The ratio of killed is most of the time "innocents" are not. If that ratio were true, a manned aircraft could do better as a pilot would not be cleared to drop if there were doubt. Sometimes, the Military UAVs give the ground commander an inflated sense of comfort with allowing the attack since he can "see" the target...gets them into video game mode. The responsibility of dropping live weapons/missiles/firing the gun was never lost on me while flying as it becomes a much more visceral event, and there is a sense that you are directly responsible for the outcome.
  • I think this whole discussion is unrelated to our community. No one disputes the utility of UAVs in gathering info and I don't think this campaign will result in any restrictions on scientific UAV use.
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