Hi everyone,
Is time to share something.
Here are some great files of an X8 3D laser scanned. This job was done completely for Free from some cool guys in Australia, for help us to participate to the Outback challenge. Unfortunately we did't make in time the prototype of an modified X8, so we will need to wait until 2014. But I the meantime I want to share with everyone this, so anyone can
create or modify parts for the X8 having a good reference.
The total folder size is about 133Mb with all the components of the X8. Here is the Dropbox link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/d0e9xr277754akb/_wb44sqFzp
Also Is worth to have a look at the website of the guys that made this possible, you may find interesting (I'm not affiliated in any way with this company). http://www.3dspatial.com.au
NOTE: If dropbox link is't working anymore, please check in the comments for an updated one
Great post! I mean just awesome! I will be trying to convert this STL file into an easy to use NURBS Rhino file, so that everyone can benefit from this generous gift, maybe even make available as an ONSHAPE file, the freebie version of Solidworks I'll keep you guys posted. If anybody could create a set of very high quality pictures of the X8 possibly in orthogonal views with a metric straight edge on them it would help tremendously to compare details and validate the model. I know there is people with great cameras and skills out here that could help.
Sorry, but this files isn't public.
And, I think, you understand why.
Really good work!! There is any chance you can share the solidworks files?
Thank you for your scanned files. I modeled drone in SolidWorks with using it. Many thanks for your hard work.
Do you have the 3D scan of the Fx-79 ? would be awesome
can you provide a working link
Thank you, a great find here!
Can I ask what was your original plan with the X8 as far as modifying it?
The link to DropBox seems to be down, or removed. Is there another link to the model files, because I'd really love to have a copy to help set up my aircraft! Thanks!
Great thank you!!!
Do you know how they were made?