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  • If you are having problems with  v3.2.1 on APM 2.x hardware and your multirotor is unstable and won't sit still but worked fine with v3.1.5 or v3.2, try changing the parameter INS_MPU6K_FILTER to 20 or 42 rather than the default of 0. The value of 20 is preferred for an APM 2.x flight controller.

    As I understand it, the value of 0 used to default to 20 in earlier firmware but is now an absolute value. Changing this param cured the problem I had with 3.2.1 on a Cheerson CX-20 and it now flies smoothly with the final firmware released for APM 2.x. I'm really liking the PosHold mode!

  • @Darius Jack,

    I do find it annoying too since you might not have the last setup you used available on your current test. They might do it if they hear from too many people for them to turn that option off.

  • Can we ask developer of eCalc to disable

    random fooling option ?

    it will keep changing the options you see at random every time you open eCalc.

  • @estebanflyer, You need to get the paid account to get access to all options. If not, it will keep changing the options you see at random every time you open eCalc.

  • Does anybody know why Ecalc is showing different motor types on different ocassions? I opened four tabs and in each case the RCTimer motor selections showed different numbers:3702101516?profile=original

  • @ Ken, haaha I didn't see Jame's reply before I wrote on your wall. 

  • Thanks for the feedback James, I really appreciate it.

  • @Ken Costigan are those ESC to motor bullet connectors bare like it looks in the photo, or are they covered some something like clear heatshrink that you just can't see? If there is bare metal then that's what's causing the crashes!!

    During operation of the motor there would be enough vibration during flight that the bare metal would momentarily touch, especially during changes in direction at speed. Every time they touch that motor would stop briefly, and if that happened to two or more motors at a time OR any single motor were stopped long enough, down she comes!! Pretty much you are guaranteed a crash flying like that...

    Get some heatshrink on all of the bullet connectors going from the ESC to the motors and see if that makes it fly better. It may not be the only problem you have, but it certainly is a show stopper and needs to be fixed before your next flight.

  • Howdy all,

    I'm on my second rebuild of a hexcopter and I just had my second crash. I'm completely stumped what happened. I've attached the flight log, my list of parts and a picture of what I think is the culprit. 

    Any suggestions advice is greatly appreciated.


    Hexcopter Build
    Build Sheet Item,Quanity,Unit Weight (g),Total Weight (g),Notes H550 V3 Glass Fiber Hexcopter Frame 550mm - Integrated PCB Version,1.00,435.00,435.0…
  • Arducopter stuff might be the coolest stuff EVER!

    A comment by Clifford Conrad Sumner

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Drone flying to non visible point

Hi there,I encountered a problem, while flying in auto mode, with approching to point that was not set by trajectory and is not visible after downloading mission from flight controller by Mission Planner. Does anybody encountered similar problem. The situation is that in the middle flight I stopped the UAV and uploaded new mission and after changing to auto mode it starts to fly in some direction. It goes straight to some point, so I assume it's not mechanical problem. I attached the link to…

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Hi,Im working on a autonomous drones and im using JETSON NANO and flight controller PIXHAWK .Im able to control my drone by giving rc commands on the MAVLINK terminal itself by connecting it with PIXHAWK but now i want a python code from which i can do some operations like:takeoff,left ,right,forward,backward…and i am not using GPS…Can anyone please help me…

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1 Reply · Reply by tellinglean Oct 17, 2022

HELP quadcopter: one motor twitching and stuttering

Hello guys,I have a problem with one motor, do not spin and making a sound (videos in attachment), I changed the motor to another ESC and is work, so I checked the connections on ESC and all connections looking great. any ideas or something I can do, iam trying to build YMFC32 Brokking .thank youhttps://youtu.be/LagBqwGbixkhttps://youtu.be/PU20nCxApcs

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Will AHRS_ORIENTATION=8 for Arducopter 3.2.1 on APM 2.5 using a traditional Heli

I have been Reading Chris Olsen posts and watching his videos on Arducopter with traditional Helis using a Pixhawk.I have inherited an older Trex 450 heli with the old Align 3G FBL hardware.  The FBL controller appears to be bad.  So I have an old APM 2.5 without a compass or GPS on board.  I just want to replace the failed Align 3G FBL system with the APM.Now I have to mount the APM under the skids on the heli so the APM will be upside down.I have Two questions.1)  Is the AHRS_ORIENTATION=8…

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