Discussion group for ArduPlane users
Cruise speed
Hi,I want to adjust cruise speed.At default settings I have a ground speed of about 42km/h (without airspeed sensor), and I think the optimal speed should be lower. In the mission planner I have value "Cruise speed", default 12m/s. I updated it to 9.5, but don't see any change in actual cruise speed.How to set cruise speed?Are these different settings with RTL speed? For RTL I prefer keep it as is - less efficient, but more reliable.Is it possible to adjust cruise speed during flight, providing…
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Wow, DIY is now actually doing what many of it's customers were asking. Without once admitting that those of us asking for specific details were not getting them, without apologizing, telling us to quit repeating ourselves, closing comments to take proper control of that information as they should have in the first place, but which just exasperates those after the deed is done. I swear I am dealing with a bunch of children here supported by people utterly amazed at mouse skills! Luckily for me, I invested in a company that live by open source values, so hopefully my opinion will not be removed.... again.....
Francesco, it was posted on the list, about 4 months back.
I didn't download it though :-(
Dear ArduPlane User Group,
I give you my congratulations for the outstanding work you have done.
If it is possible, I would see the flow-chart of the Ardu-plane to understand the logic whit which it work.
Can I find on-line the flow-chart?
If there arn't on-line and if you have it, I will be very grateful if you could send me (or publish) it.
Kind regards
Francesco Muscio
Thanks !
Gustav: the changes are all documented in the Change Logs.
Hi there,
I see that the code gets updated frequently, but is there a blog that describes the improvements/changes that is being implemented?
thank u kirill
R.V. you can find more info here
HI i am new to this group and i am intersted in arduplane can any one give detaild spefications of this arduplane i am confused in reading in website please reg how can it be used etc
This is the main difference between the sentry and the plush, the 5v line is using a switching regulator on the sentry, instead of a linear BEC