Discussion group for ArduPlane users
Cruise speed
Hi,I want to adjust cruise speed.At default settings I have a ground speed of about 42km/h (without airspeed sensor), and I think the optimal speed should be lower. In the mission planner I have value "Cruise speed", default 12m/s. I updated it to 9.5, but don't see any change in actual cruise speed.How to set cruise speed?Are these different settings with RTL speed? For RTL I prefer keep it as is - less efficient, but more reliable.Is it possible to adjust cruise speed during flight, providing…
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Hi everybody, I'm really new to UAV and have plans to start using ArduPlane. I have been looking at the Wiki and Manual and could not find much about the stabilization algorithms in use on ArduPilot. Can anybody help? Thanks
Dragon lab Current sensor
Is it ok to use with APM2? I noted somewhere the Attopilot sensor needed some resistors removed and a jumper put on. Anyone using a Dragon labs CS? modifications??
I can second Mikes comment. I fly the APM 1 in a fast delta wing. The APM is mounted about 20cm in front of the CG (but not sideways). It was not even necessary to do any PID tuning, it just worked out of the box.
@ Mike: cool, thats what I was hoping to hear.
Troy - of course it's ideal to have the sensors centered, but I'm pretty sure you can get away with putting it 4" to the left or right. Most of the time in planks it is installed several inches forward or back from the CG, and without any issues. Don't install it at an unusual attitude, forward is forward, the board should be level (relative to the normal flight attitude of the plane) and oriented according to its design. Don't spin it, flip it sideways, etc.
Personally, I've never mounted one off to the side. If you can get away with it, push it forward or backward along the center line. But if that does not work, pushing it sideways should not be a serious challenge. However, be aware that you have lots of other challenges getting a wing flying properly, then more issues getting the APM to fly any wing, then some issues getting the APM to fly *this* wing well.... if you have a good handle on flying, learn to this wing before putting pressure on the APM. Meanwhile, I recommend learning to fly w/ an APM in something less grand than the X8... .something more traditional, like a bixler. Work out the expectations and processes there, then move over to your X8. Its cheaper to crater a $50-70 bixler than your $200 (without kit) X8 that cost you $50 to ship, that you spent 4 hours building, and installed another $300 in gear before adding the apm.... just a recommendation.....good luck, take photos, and keep us all informed, many of us will be following with interest.
Thanks for the comments Mike & Gary, I am aware of the sensitivity of CG with wings but my question is "does it matter where in the plane the APM is located so long as it is pointing forward? Sorry if I wasnt clear.
http://www.diydrones.com/profiles/blogs/ardupilot-purple-skywalker-... this has pid setting rc groups building first video hope it helps
http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1555543 X8
As its a flying wing you will probably need quite a bit of weight in the nose batteries on the CG might not work. That said I have never flown one, how to others lay them out?