The purpose of this group is to work on applying drone technology to the challenges faced by Community Emergency Response Teams and other citizen disaster response organizations.  

A key objective is identifying a best-practice system that can perform rapid surveillance of neighborhoods and get information back to a CERT CP (Command Post).

To learn more about CERT:

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There has been a 7.6 earthquake on a major nearby fault. You are a citizen volunteer and the Operations Chief for a Community Emergency Response Team. You are the first line of response for injured citizens because your fire district staffs 1 fireman for every 6000 citizens on any given day.

You have 40 to 60 other CERTS at your disposal who can perform basic search & rescue, first aid, and victim transport.

Your job is to put your teams in the thick of the victims as quickly as possible so that they can save lives.

Your Area of responsibility has the following characteristics:
- 11,000 people within it
- 4,700 dwellings: mostly single residences but also apartments
- 2.5 square miles: about 2.5 miles from north to south and averaging 1 mile wide
- hilly terrain
- some trees but not heavily wooded
- many streets, cul de sacs

The first hour after the earthquake is called "the golden hour." If someone has been seriously injured, their chances of survival drop precipitously after 60 minutes.

Your teams have assigned, prioritized routes they follow upon activation based upon pre-analysis of population density and seismology maps. HOWEVER, it is impossible to predict where victims will be.

The default solution to find victims quickly is a windshield survey by people slowly driving the Area and attempting to get radio messages back to the Command Post. (Radio can be unreliable because of limited channels, chaotic emergency traffic, and terrain.)

Roads may be blocked by down trees or power lines.

You are wondering if drones could be used to locate victimes and streets with substantial damage more rapidly or using fewer people than windshield surveys. 

***If you come up with a better solution, you save lives.***

Assume Internet and cell service are not available. However, your organization has power generators, gasoline, storage areas, and includes many licensed ham operators.

Assume you can raise funds amongst neighbors and nearby businesses.

Under SCENARIO A: Assume that citizenry are totally passive and you have to find them.

Under SCENARIO B: Assume citizens have been trained on a marker system by which they place red, yellow, or green blocks/flags/lights in front of their houses visible from the air and street. (Of course absent or injured citizens would not signal.)






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  • Funny I run across this just a few days after discussing the use of RC aircraft in disaster relief on another site and get muted response. I have actually been speaking with some local emergency managers about this very thing. My thoughts are lite search and rescue and damage assesment. I currently work in emergency response as a contingent employee on a federal level, but am active as a CERT volunteer locally. I have fairly extensive training in emergency response. I am so excited to find this group!
  • You betcha, Chris.  Thanks for joining.

  • 3D Robotics

    Glad to see this group. Thanks for starting it!

  • Moderator

    Why not as your team starts walking pull stills from their helmets and start using structure from motion to reconstruct the scene.

    Use WiFi equipped point and shoots relaying via a balloon or kite repeater. 

    As that's happening start pulling in images from simple flying wings in the same way. Build an accurate model rapidly and get that done off site with the biggest computer possible.

    Look for cellphones still trying to talk to towers, chances are there is a person nearby.

    Quads have already been used in Italy to do damage surveys post quake.

    I have loads of ideas, over to someone else!

  • Interesting. Have you tried the simulator yet?  This is very affordable and I'd get one if the software was supported by my smartphone.

    The range is somewhat limited by the wifi signal from the phone but with my wifi amplifier and high gain antenna that should not be a problem. If we use the really high gain antenna we might have to track the drone with it but we could go miles.

  • Moderator

    Hey Jeff, good idea for a group.

    This could tie in quite nicely to the outback challenge too.

  • Next steps:

    - Define a scenario challenge including success metrics

    - Ask experts to start responding with questions, system hypotheses

    - Recruit members to this group

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How to write Conceptual Design ?

Hello All,I have to write a conceptual design report inorder to get the fund to make my drone project.  But I have no idea how to write conceptual design. In the questions that I am reuired to answer, describing mission requirenments(they are already given) and transleting them into desing requirenments.There are 2 missions given;1)  The drone has to complete the area which have four 5m tall masts and it is supposed to draw zigzags between them. After passing a mast, The Drone must successfully…

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Meant to post this, not send it as a PM, apologiesHi all, I stumbled across this group today by accident, and figured I should post what I have been working on. For about the past year I have been designing software (will be open sourced when complete) that will provide the capabilities that this group is looking for. I use a combination of Aurdopilot/OpenCv and some custom software. The Vehicle is fully autonomous, and can be whatever you choose.I am currently testing with a Diesel powered…

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Complexity vs. Simplicity

I have been thinking quite a bit recently about the use of UAS in disaster response, and most particularly who may use this technology. Assuming for the moment we will have volunteers flying this gear, one wonders if a very basic system would be better than more and more complex systems. I could imagine a very basic out of the box solution which requires little more knowledge to use than understanding a smartphone. The "operator" could point and click their way through a simple, yet helpful,…

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