Roberto's Posts (3)

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When you use FMA Co-Pilot CPD4 on a plane with 2 servos on wing (one for airelon) usually you must connect an Y cable to use correctly CPD4 stabilization.With this configuration you cant use the flaperon mix (it move the 2 wing servo to the same direction to simulate flap).My idea is to use a V-Tail hardware mixer (it cost under 10$) to use flaperons.This is the connection schema:

The V-Tail mixer output will be connected to servos, the ELEVATOR input is our flap, i suggest to connect to gear channel, the RUDDER input is the airelon input, you must connect to airelon output of CPD4.Check on the trasmitter that on gear switch off all 2 airelon are on neutral posizition, then set the position on the gear switch on.I hope that my explanation is clear.
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Hello,I write this post for who like me have an Arduino Mini USB Adapter and want to upload code (or burn bootloader) by ISP on ATMEGA168 or Attiny45.This is the connection schema from Mini USB (or any FTDI cable based on FT232RL chip, you can also use an Ardunio Diecimila) to Ardupilot ISP port:

You must also connect power source to Ardupilot (BEC, Mini USB or what u like).For programming Attiny45 you must use the Attiny45 ISP port.Here the complete guide to burn the bootloader.In this way i've readed the fuse from Attiny45 and I find that my ATMEGA168 is probabily dead (when i try to read fuses i have the error message "signature error").
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3Ch plane, why not?

The question is simple: why spend money on 4Ch plane, Co-Pilot & co??I want to try to setting up a 3Ch plane with ArduPilot, somebody have any experience?I choose the Multiplex EasyCub, 1400mm wing span.


Maybe I will use a yaw gyro to fix unwanted roll.
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