2.4GHz video on a 2.4GHz TX/RX ... risk



I have a 2.4GHz wireless video cam from draganflyer IV I used to fly before and I'd like to use it on my arducopter. The arducopter communicates via a Turnigy 2.4GHz TX/RX.


Question: What are the pros and cons for using both equipment on the arducopter? Any other insights, welcome.




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  • Ok , I keep reading everywhere that if your video tx is at 2.4 and your radio Tx is also at 2.4 you will have interference, problems , reduced range etc. why is that? I thought thats why we use 2.4 tx because of no interference, if you first open your video TX and then you bind your rx to your radio the video frequency should be excluded, or am I wrong?

    Yesterday I tested a similar system on the table , 1W=1000 mw 2.4 video tx, next to it my video rx and next to them my radio and rx with servo connected on it, the result was no lines on the video and no jitter on the servos, I don't get it, can please someone explain it to me?

    Thank you in advance


  • Hi all ... thanks for the replies/insights ... I just placed my copter on a table turn on the turnigy 9x TX, hook up the 2.4GHZ video cam receiver on the tele and turned it on, armed the arducopter and true enough almost horizontal lines appeared on the video stream which I took as sign of interference.

    Hmmm ... decided to increase the distance between the transmitter and the video receiver and guess what the interference is gone! I wonder if the same thing can happen in the field. True, I should not throw my money on a 2.4G video cam when I have a 2.4G radio system but I already have the video system ... anyways, will update when I finally get to fly the copter and record the ensuing video ...  wish me luck but then again luck got nothing to do with the laws of physics :)

  • Moderator
    It's called Frequency Diversity. Frequency diversity refers to the use of multiple transmission devices operating cooperatively at different frequencies.  For example 2.4ghz for control systems, 900mhz for telemetry, 1.2 for video.
  • Hey,
    in two words: forget it.

    I tried it. The Tx will interfere with the video signal. When the video Tx is near by you will have some moments when the video quality is great, but the more your copter flies away the less the video quality will be.

    You should buy a 5,8ghz video system.

    I am using this system: http://www.hobbyking.com/hobbyking/store/uh_viewItem.asp?idproduct=...

    It's really great. No problems what so ever. I flew about 250m FPV and OSD (on screen display) to check the range. There is room for some more meters.

    Don't waste your money on a 2,4Ghz video system. It won't work!

  • the radio will interfere with the video downlink

    you will always be able to control the copter, but you can not see the video, it will be too bad to fly

  • Hi,

    I'd also be interested in any comments from anyone with experience of this, I know in general FPV terms its a bad idea and you would have a lot of trouble with interference, but for relatively close operations i.e. inspecting up the side/roof of a nearby building so a few hundred feet at most and simply as a guide to ensure HD video is aimed at the right place, would this still be a problem? I've never used any of this video gear so i'm not sure how it behaves in terms of "channels" within the 2.4GHz spectrum.
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