3dr Iris troubleshooting guide

Hello, I had a hard landing with my iris. It now is not working correctly. I am trying to find the iris troubleshooting guide mentioned in the manual. Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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  • My hard landings seem to throw the accelerometer off.  I usually run through the accel/compas/radio calibration again to correct it.  Make sure you do them in the proper order in Mission Planner.

    My hard landings happen more than I prefer so I check the HUD and initial thrust/throttle before each flight....or else disaster awaits.  I'll usually lightly throttle up to see if it takes off evenly.  If one side rises I know there is a problem and I have to recalibrate. 

    My last tinkering session with the IRIS jostled the I2C compass receiver female connector.  I had to use one of the other spare I2C ports and it works well now.  

    • If  a hard landing, or a crash throws the ACC of, its better to remove the upper bodyshell to check, if the PIXHAWK is still connected with all (!) damping foam parts. Furthermore its a great idea, to secure a component of the powermodule with epoxy glue like shown here, if its not secured already by 3DR.

      d4vq2vp2.jpgSome other hints, which partly apply to the consumer version as well, here: http://www.rcgroups.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2046042&highlig...

  • Check that the arms and the motors are still mounted correctly.  It sounds like the a motor or arm might be loose/ cracked.  What is it doing when you try and fly it?

    • Thanks. It is currently listing to one side when it tries to take off. Is there a way to check the logs on the device.
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