
A Self-Learning UAV with the ArduPilot v2.4.4

Hello ArduPilots,I have just released a new version (the v2.4.4) of my ArduPilot. This new version contains a very interesting feature: THE SELF LEARNING MODE....This new feature is very usefull in the field, because you don't need to have an internet connection (google map) or a PC computer to create yourself a customized waypoints list, your ArduPilot will be able to Self-Learn its own flight plan in flight !!!The Self-Learning mode works only on the version 2.4.4 (the JLN personnal version) ONLY.You will find this update at :, I explain you how to record IN FLIGHT a flight plan to your ArduPilot UAV.A) LEANING MODE :-----------------PRE-LAUNCH:----------A-1) The transmitter must be switched ON and the control button set in MANUAL MODE,A-2) The "Remove Before Flight" (RBF) jumper must be connected,A-3) Connect the Lipo battery to the ESC of your plane,A-4) Wait the GPS-Fix (the blue led goes fix) and the Ailerons/Rudder moves quickly,A-5) Remove the RBF,A-6) Then RECONNECT THE RBF.Your ArduPilot is now ready to Self-Learn your flight plan.B) Just before the launch : You need to erase the previous stored flight plan before to learn a new one.-------------------------B-1) Hang your plane (be carefull of the propeller) then turn the control button of your transmitter from MANUAL MODE TO WAYPOINT MODE (the middle position by default) then quickly back to the MANUAL MODE again.The propeller will start few seconds during this step.Now, the previous flight plan has been erased in the Eeprom memory of the ArduPilot.C) RECORDING THE FLIGHT PLAN :-----------------------------C-1) The control button must be set in MANUAL MODE. Launch you plane and fly, when you want to record a waypoint, you simply need to turn the control button of your transmitter from MANUAL MODE TO WAYPOINT MODE (the middle position) then quickly back to the MANUAL MODE again. The plan will move quickly the ailerons to point you that the WP has been recorded...So, you may record all the 3D Waypoints (lat, lon, alt) that you desire...When all the flight plan has been recorded during your flight, land your plane.D) REPLAYING YOUR FLIGHT PLAN-----------------------------D-1) Disconnect the Lipo BatteryD-2) The RBF jumper is still in place on the ArduPilot and the transmitter ON and set in Manual mode,D-3) Connect a new charged Lipo BatteryD-4) Wait for the GPS fix (the blue led fix and the quick motion of the servos)D-5) REMOVE THE RBF jumper,D-6) Launch your plane and now, you may run the recorded flight plan when you want by only turn the control button to WAYPOINT MODE....Enjoy,Best Regards,Jean-Louis Naudin

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  • hi Jean,
    this is cool option, BTW how many way points can you record, & is RTH function available? More questions to come. thanks
  • Developer
    Hello Reto,
    Thanks for your comments. I have now updated the v2.4.4 (Self-Learning mode version), this is now the v2.4.5 :
    The reset of the wplist is done automaticaly in flight, during the first wp record. So, the step B is not required and the motor wont' turn...
    The latest version v2.4.5 can be downloaded here :
  • That's a very nice and useful add-on to the code. Well done. The only change I would make, is to replace the somewhat dangerous acknowledgment through the prop rotation (point B-1) by some other movement (ailerons or rudder).
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