
    • Developer

      Hi Dieter,

      I think you have vibration issues with Alt-Hold that are excited by Auto-tune. If you post a log with IMU tuned on I can confirm.

    • Hi on my last autotune i swith in stabilize mode not in alt hold and autotune is ok 

      Before i couldn t have autotune correctly with alt hold 

  • Good evening to all autotuners,

    trying to tune mini spider hex from Blackout. Flies OK just as it is but when I invoke autotune it finishes itself too early. It just never starts fliping from front to back. I have done many attempts also with different starting PID values but so far no luck. Log file from the last flight is attached (five autotune attempts with landing and disarming/arming in between of the attempts).

    Copter configuration:

    Blackout Mini Spider

    6x Cobra 2204/28 2300Kv

    6x Afro Ligh 12A ESC w/BLHeli 11.2 (Demag compensation OFF, PWM Frequency HIGH, Motor Timing MEDIUM HIGH)

    3S 2200mAh nanoTech 25-50C

    OpenPilot REVO ArduRevo (latest code compiled by stefan, in terminal it says V3.2-05)

    Props: GF 5030

    Any ideas what should I try to get autotune to finish? It worked very well for me on two previous builds (TBS Discovery and mini quad 250).

    2014-06-17 21-54-33 1 mini hex autotune stops five times.log

    • After few more attempts I had finally somewhat succeeded. I did two changes at once, so not really sure which one helped more. At first switched from 'X' frame configuration to 'V'. And then also put more weight on the copter - 3300mAh 3S battery together with the Mobius cam. Total weight went up by ~180g, all quite evenly distributed under the copter.

      Autotune was then quite straightforward in this configuration. Finished with these values, perhaps a bit too low in my eyes. However the result seems to be pretty stable. The copter is quite sensitive to the proper balancing. To attach the battery to it so that the COG is where it should be is important. If it is not placed where it should be, copter just keeps flying forwards or backwards by itself.

      Stabilize R & P: 6.000

      Rate Roll P: 0,0550

      Rate Roll I: 0,0550

      Rate Roll D: 0,0050

      Rate Pitch P: 0,0350

      Rate Pitch I: 0,0350

      Rate Pitch D: 0,0095

      Anyway, I'm still very interested in some hints how to make the autotune to finish with lightweight configuration (2200mAh 3S battery, no Mobius cam attached). 


      • Hi, i try autotune with pixhawk and there is just the roll tune no pitch ....

        • Developer


               I think this likely means that the autotune has failed to find good PIDs during the roll tuning and has given up.

          • Hi thanks for reply,

            i managed twice before and since i changed propellers is not working anymore......

            I changed eprop 8x5 with tmotor 10x3,3.

            I will try to delete pid preset in pixhwak before ?

  • Is there info in the log that could tell me what PIDs were when autotune stopped. I had almost finished, but it took 12 minutes and the battery died. I'd rather not kill another battery, so I was hoping I could find the settings that it was last on to start from there. I'm thinking the RPgain, RDgain and SPgain are what I need, but SPgain is pretty high, around 9.5, so I don't want to render it unflyable if I'm wrong.



    2014-06-16 08-07-15.log

    • Developer

      Hi Barrett,

      Roll Rate D = 0.0145
      Roll Rate P = 0.25
      Roll Rate I = 0.25

      Roll Stab P = 6.75

      Pitch Rate D = 0.015
      Pitch Rate P = 0.25
      Pitch Rate I = 0.25

      Pitch Stab P = 6.75

      Those are what Autotune was looking like it was going to give you.

      Could you tell me a bit more about your copter. Weight, Size, Motor kv and power, cell count, props and a couple of photoes if you have them.

      The reason I ask is you have pretty much maxed out autotune. We may need to give more headroom for copters like yours and I would like to know what that is.


      • Leonard,

         I just read your last paragraph. Not sure why I missed it before. Do you mean it maxed out PIDs, or it maxed out the actual tuning process? If the latter is the case, it may be due to it being a bit gusty while I was trying to tune. It was definitely fighting the wind. It's been so windy here in Austin I got tired of waiting for calm. It definitely seemed to be flying much better towards the end of the process. I wouldn't think my copter is anything out of the norm.



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