
        • Leonard,

           I tried the settings above. It was vibrating so intensely as I throttled up I wasn't willing to takeoff. I set PIDs back to default except for D, which I'm not sure what default was. I set it to .001. Is that ok? Would wind have caused the long autotune time and high PIDs? On my quad autotune was about 6-7 minutes from default, and 1-2 minutes if I felt it needed re-tuning. Hoping for a calm morning soon.


          • Developer

            Hi Barrett,

            Yeh, this is strange. Maybe it was the wind. Looking closely at your Autotune measurements they are strange in their shape. Sorry, all I can suggest is that you try again in calm conditions. I tend to find first thing in the morning the best time for calm conditions.

            D should be 0.004 (but I would start with 0.006)

            • Here are 2 logs from today with no wind. The P&S Stab are really high. Are the measurement shapes more typical? It's flying ok, if a little twitchy.

              2014-06-20 06-56-22.log

              2014-06-20 07-09-19.log

            • Is it possible to show a comparison? I'm just wondering what it should look like.

      • Thanks Leonard.

         Basic info: RCT 550 hex frame, RCT 2812-1000kv motors, RCT 10x4.5 CF props, 2-3000mah 3s e-flite in parallel, about 2020gm AUW. GoPro and gimbal are not on right now. I probably need a little bigger motors, but it's what I've got right now. I'll set the gains later and give them a try.

  • Can't figure out why autotune won't start. I've tried both CH7 method, and setting it as a normal flight mode. I'm using APM 2.5 with APM 3.1.5 . Any ideas?

    • Nevermind. Was using the wrong switch set up for ch7 on my new TX :-p . Realized when I actually looked down at my transmitter. However, I didn't get autotune to work as a "normal" mode.

      • Hi Aaron,

        How is you autotune going?

        • It worked really well! Took less than 10 minutes and my copter is way more stable now. I have 4s, 14inch props, 750 kv motors so pretty far from the defaults.

  • Today first Autotune on Pixhawk with firmware 3.1.4, esc's AFRO30a (with ground connected ;-)) T-motors MT2216-900kv, props Graupner 11x5, frame clone Mikrokpter XL2 (square frame), batteries 4s, total weight 3.9Kg.

    1.10 minute fot roll 1.30 for pitch.

    After small flight, very good response.

    here video (with begin pid's and final pid's)

    Ciao - Giuseppe

    29_autotune_pieno payload.BIN

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