AC3.3 TradHeli Release Discussion

WARNING to TradHeli users:

Do not attempt to fly AC3.3 until you hear otherwise from me.  I have not even bench tested it yet, let alone test flown it.  There are quite a lot of changes that have gone in that could be crash-o-matic for helicopters.

AC3.3 release for Tradheli is likely to be delayed.

This post will serve as the official release progress thread for TradHeli.

Warning: DO NOT FLY RC6!  It has a critical bug that will likely end in a crash.

Warning for RC5:

RATE_YAW_FILT_HZ param will change defaults from 5Hz to 20Hz to be more suitable for helicopters.  If you have never changed this parameter from 5 before, then it will automatically update the value to 20 without warning.  This much faster filter will probably require reduction in your P and D terms, and the yaw may oscillate badly.  Be prepared to retune these.  As a safety measure, probably cut them in half for your first take-off.

Warning #2 for RC5:

I accidentally broke the Landing Detector.  It will probably never trigger.  You should land in Stabilize mode, or be prepared to shut down the motor as soon as it touches the ground in Alt_Hold, Loiter, Auto, etc.

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      • No worries!

        Currently using the Futaba GV-1 gov and had really good success with it.

  • I was thinking of testing the 3.3 RC10 on my Trex 450. What is the general consensus on the completeness of it right now? Is it worth updating or waiting until the final revision is out for traditional helis.



    • Rob was talking about lots of improvements and shouldn't be too long according to his comment:

      Comment by Rob_Lefebvre on September 29, 2015 at 5:36am

      Great to finally get this one out.

      Just a note about TradHelis.  We have split the release process, and TradHeli will not be going stable at the same time.  I will be taking a bit of extra time to get some extra features added for 3.3 TradHeli.  It should not be long, maybe 2-3 weeks.  In the meantime, I should have a new 3.3-RC13 for TradHelis out for testing soon.

      • Thanks

        Sounds good. I will wait for the final release then.

        I installed a PixHawk on on my little 450L Dominator and is is flying great. I really enjoy learning ArduCopter on Traditional Helicopters. It is much more challenging and rewarding... 3702724288?profile=original



      • Good News, has been looking forward to the traditional 3.3 firmware helicopters have a new and improved, as Rob said, setting more convenient than ever, easily, look forward to continuing to improve the 3.3 firmware.

      • Yeah, I'm really close now, hopefully this week.  Then I'll be asking for a number of beta testers to try it out.

        Actually, if anybody has any machines on the bench, I'd love to get you to play with the new setup procedure and get some feedback now? I think it's awesome.  Should take only minutes to do the bench setup now.

        • Great! This message is simply too exciting to see it! Firmware update progress traditional helicopters and bug fixes have been slower than the multi-rotor, so exciting each update.

        • Hi Rob,

          I can try it on a 550 and a 700 class heli, but it's still 3.3rc-10 in the download area. Where can I find the new software - is it the latest master ?

          • No, I've got it in a branch.  I'll attach it here tomorrow *for bench testing only*.

  • Awesome work Rob!

    Thanks for implementing this feature into 3.3.
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