Adding extra functions to MinimOSD

I have started to add functions to MinimOsd code.

At first i did it for myself only. Added many functions i thought i need. Then opened this thread.

after a while, Pedro and later Miguel came, and things started to happen fast. :D

They have optimised the code and added even more things to it.

They have worked hard on CT, and it became a great tool!

Thank you Bough! :)

By now MinimOSD-Extra got a pretty advanced OSD.

Here it is in action:


- Changeable unit measurement (US, metric)

- Airspeed

- Home alt

- Battery Percent

- Battery used mah

- Current Draw

- Time From Startup (cleared at takeoff to show exact flight time)

- OSD Menu

- Variometer

- Wind horizontal speed and direction, and also the average wind speed of the last few minutes. 

- OSD on/off

- Switchable secound screen

- WP distance

- WP heading

- Crosstrack error

- Warning messages for Lost GPS fix, Stall, Overspeed, battery volt, battery Percent, RSSI

- Efficiency, glide distance & thermic notifier. 3 in one panel

- OSD Brightness

- HAM Call Sign

- After flight summary

- Trip distance

- Temperature

- Smoothened horizon

- Real heading


- Vertical speed

This functions can be turned on and off, and placed on different screens now, by the Config. tool.

Also RSSI, switching mode and channel and unit measurement, Stall speed warning, Overspeed warning, Battery warning volt, Battery percent warning, RSSI warning,  can be set in new Config Tool.

We built in a new way of setting video standards. Now OSD does not guessing anymore :). You can set it fixed from CT. It is in "Video Mode" menu.

Here is how it looks: (This video is a bit outdated, sorry. I will make a new one soon.)

The MinimOSD-Extra project is here: Link

This project is the developing version of the official Arducam OSD located here: Link

The latest stable version is: 2.2

The latest version can be downloaded from here: MinimOSD-Extra R800

Username: MinimOSD_Extra

Password: Top_Secret

CT is included. (The FW for Plane, Copter, Character upload and the character file is in the "FW & Char" directory inside CT directory)

We are sharing it to see videos you make using it! :)


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  • Hi I have a problem here... I had apm 2.5 and minimosd working perfectly on my old skywalker but then I crashed it and totalled it. I have just now got everything transplanted in an x8 and everythings working good on the OSD except for the GPS... It never says how many sats have been found or the lat/lon but on MP it says I have a lock with 7 sats..? By the way i'm using the mediatek gps... Really annoying because the GPS fix warning never goes away...

  • Why is it I see my HAM callsign in the OSD PC config app, but it isn't on my actual HUD?  Everything else the PC program set up is on my OSD the correct way.

  • Miguel

    Thanks for developing the high vertical speed warning.  Ran quite a few tests to determine a preferred unit setting, in both metric and imperial.  Finally set it just below RTL ascend speed.  Video here includes the new setup.

  • 100KM

    Thanks again so much! I can only fly again on Friday :(

  • There is two new flight mode in Arduplane 2.74

    I have just added them to source.


  • Hi, i have to repost it. While looking around I found that in your code:

    I think that would be faster and shorter:

        // shrinking factor for longitude going to poles direction
        // NOTE:     float dstlon, dstlat; deleted
        float dstlonRAW, dstlatRAW, fltTMP;
        float rads = fabs(osd_home_lat) * 0.0174532925;
        float scaleLongDown = cos(rads);    // can only be 0 at 90 degree, at the poles. You can add this to catch that: if (scaleLongDown == 0) scaleLongDown = 0.001745328f;
        float scaleLongUp = 1.0f/scaleLongDown; // No need for double here

        dstlatRAW = osd_home_lat - osd_lat;
        dstlonRAW = osd_home_lon - osd_lon;

        //DST to Home
        fltTMP = dstlonRAW * scaleLongDown;
        osd_home_distance = sqrt(sq(dstlatRAW) + sq(fltTMP)) * 111319.5; // osd_home_distance in meter

        //DIR to Home
        fltTMP = dstlatRAW * scaleLongUp; //OffSet Y
        bearing = 90 + constrain((int16_t)(atan2(fltTMP, -dstlonRAW) * 57.295775f), -180, 180); //absolut home direction
        if(bearing < 0) bearing += 360;//normalization
        bearing = bearing - osd_heading;//relative home direction
        if(bearing < 0) bearing += 360; //normalization
        osd_home_direction = round((float)(bearing/360.0f) * 16.0f) + 1;//array of arrows =)
        if(osd_home_direction > 16) osd_home_direction = 0;

    Haven't tested it, but should work the same.


    Kraut Rob

  • 100KM

    I've flown with V2.4, Release 620. Everything went very well, however the last couple of releases I'm not getting a summary when I land. This works fine on my Wing, when I land I get a summary, but not with my Skywalker. Any ideas were to look?

  • I just upgraded to r621 and am getting a vertical speed warning most of the time. Even if I'm in a very stable loiter or alt hold. How can I adjust that?

  • Hi,

    Just made a new pre-release of copter:

    MinimOSD-Extra Copter 2.3 Pre-Release r621

    Improvements over previous pre-release:

    Previous "stall speed" warning is now "vertical speed warning", shown as "High VSpeed!".

    It is setted in the CT Tool as 10th of vertical speed units. So, if you want to set it to trigger the warning above 100 m/min you should set 10 in the textbox.
    Take in account that it can have a considerable lag since we "smooth" the readings because APM reported vertical speed is very jumpy.

    This warning will triggered by vertical speed absolute value, i.e. either too fast climb or too fast descent.


    There is also a new CT Tool to follow this change.


    This should be the last added/changed feature before a stable release.

    Hope you enjoy ;)




  • need support from somebody who knows better how to debug this board, 

    on the output video image, i have only a blackscreen with the OSD chars working fine,  my video input is working properly but no video is on the output other than than the generated OSD.

    running on the latest  minimosd extra , 

    any ideas what may i try ?


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