
      • perform all the steps and I can not see the screen with the lua script, still see the classic screen.

    • Teensy flashing slowly and not a steady light for some reason! =/

      Does one have to enable something or change settings in APM for it to work?

  • Hi Rolf.

    Your MavLink to FrSky Converter is marvelous.

    No redundant unnecessary sensors anymore, thanks a lot.

    Two questions are on my mind:

    1.) Why did the connection between pixhawk and Teensy is not working each time? At 30 % of cases the LED on the teensy flashed only all seconds, and the MavLink Communication is not starting. Disconnect Battery and reconnect solve this problem in most cases. Any advice for me to avoid this?

    2) The ground speed is always zero! All other variables are transmitted very well. Any idea what to do? Is there any list of data (variable-names) available for transmitting for example "timeInAir, Throttle%, load, mem?

    Again many thanks for this very useful work.

    Regards Marc

  • Is this Taranis only? I have a 9XR Pro, and with an XJT module installed I'd think the values would at least be available.

    Does this work with the 9XR Pro?  If not, what would it take?

  • Nothing....i've tried all but A3 and A4 are always 180 and-180. I can see the orizon move on the HUD windows on Mission Planner, but not on the Taranis..... :-( Anybody has an idea  ?


  • Hi Guys,

    I have this mod on my Walkera x350Pro and get the data, flight modes, etc to the Taranis great

    However, I have been playing around with a second Taranis, re created the model, and it seems like some of the switches are already coded for some functions, and I would like to change it.

    For example, I want to set up one of the switches on the right for simple and super simple modes, however whenever I flick the switch I get a voice 'mid rates selected, low rates selected, etc)

    These sound files are not allocated (by me) to any switch, so I am assuming they are 'programed' in one of the LUA scripts.

    Is this so? if so, which one? and what do I look for?



    • Solved at RCGroups :)

      Hi Guys,

      I have this mod on my Walkera x350Pro and get the data, flight modes, etc to the Taranis great

      However, I have been playing around with a second Taranis, re created the model, and it seems like some of the switches are already coded for some functions, and I would like to change it.

      For example, I want to set up one of the switches on the right for simple and super simple modes, however whenever I flick the switch I get a voice 'mid rates selected, low rates selected, etc)

      These sound files are not allocated (by me) to any switch, so I am assuming they are 'programed' in one of the LUA scripts.

      Is this so? if so, which one? and what do I look for?



    • Welll.... I'm removing my Teensy. This project is quite interesting, but has gotten way beyond me and perhaps others too. One complication after the next.

      If you fly FPV with MinimOSD then you will be looking at your vid screen, and not FrSky telemetry data on the Taranis. So most of the features of the Teensy project are not very useful in that case.

      I use FrSky sensors for cells, current, and vario, and use alarms/voice announcements on the Taranis. No point to have Teensy duplicate or replace that with the APM data. But dammit, there ARE a couple of APM data I WOULD like to have in Taranis so as to have alarms or voice announcements. But I'm not up to learning enough of your coding magic to write the sketch, and I wouldn't impose on anyone to do so either. I'd probably want to change it soon after, in any case.

      What is needed, in my view, is a GUI similar to the one that programs the MinimOSD, making it possible to easily select which data you want to display via APM/Teensy to Taranis. And then a simple updating of the Teensy via USB. And so that it would not interfere with the data you select to display via MinimOSD on your FPV monitor.

      This would make the Teensy project much more accessible to the coding-illiterate such as myself, and even make it much easier for you experts to program the Teensy in different ways for different projects/models.

      • hi peter,

        i am not sure if it make sense to have an hud display on taranis, because if you fly fpv you need a hud on your goggles or on your fpv monitor.

        imo, this teensy project is really usefully to monitor important data on your taranis including an acoustic warning system because audio output on taranis. for example voltage,  consumed power, orientation and so on. also this data on taranis is an redundant information if you for example out of range with your fpv video system. and at least if you use this teensy converter, there is no need to use other frsky sensors. for example, i have create a mod which also measured cell voltage with the teensy(A0-A5) ports. so at least you can set-up a system with less electronic elements to reduce complexity and increase safety operation.

        BUT i agree completely that there is a major technical hurdle to integrate this converter into your system when someone is not familiar with micro-controllers, electronic basics and software development.

        the pro with such projects is, that people are able to create systems as they like. also you are complete independent from closed source and closed electronics which mostly restrict usability.

        and the biggest pro:), people are able to learn all the needed skills because everything is well documented. the arduino and teensy project contains everything you need to learn microcontroller development including basic electronics and soldering. opentx has an excellent documentation including an opentx-lua reference handbook. lua is also extremely well documented. :-).


        • 'tis true, all you say, and if I were maybe a 1/4 century younger I might be more amenable to learning all the details so I could write my own custom stuff. I've already learned a great deal in the 4 years I've been flying, but now I'm more enthusiastic about using what I've learned so far than tackling what seems a daunting task - which of course is why I'm hoping that as this and other similar projects get perfected, we might see a way for us non-coders to use the system according to our own requirements. So, I mentioned the possibility of a GUI that could write and UL a script or whatever it takes to use the Teensy system, selecting just the features we want. At 70 yrs by the way - I CAN solder pretty good! Stuck back one of those micro-resistors on a board camera - not quite centered but it works!

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