
          • hmm, it is odd as in my current sounds directory I have messages up to code 125.

            this spreadsheet does seem to end at 98 - ready to track.

            I always assumed codes come directly from ardupilot firmware - is it a wrong assumption? is it a teensy code alone that assigns a specific numerical code to a message?

            • There's a second spreadsheet that I couldn't attach that covers those codes.

              And the sounds are most likely the ones I've created on a Mac using either AVA or ALLISON synthetic voice.

              The codes are generated at the Teensy, where a translator function checks the text message sent by Ardupilot and maps that message to a code that is sent on the OpenTX telemetry link, because sending the entire text messages over the OpenTX telemetry link was not viable.

              The parser is here:

              This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to Clooney82/MavLink_FrSkySPort where we work together on this. Please d…
              • OK, now I get it.

                With new EKF changes I think most important part is to figure out what warning messages to include into this mechanism. 'compass variance' and 'velocity variance' are probably most important ones, 'bad ahrs' is not quite clear if it is important or not, then it is a bunch of EKF error scenarios that also probably need to be evaluated, as I do not think current script will say anything specific in a case of an EKF failsafe emergency landing...

  • Hi,

    do anybodyknow how I can get additional telemetry values an the taranis? I need the "sonarrange" value. 

    Thanks for any hint!

  • I found this very useful to decode MAVLINK messages from Pixhawk. Thanks. My latest problem is while this was very effective in reading data how can I set parameters on the Pixhawk using MAVLINK. In other words the reverse process. I have spent considerable time on the web but MAVLINK documentation is a real mess with no examples on how to use the GCS Mavlink library. For example - there is a SET_PARAM command but how to use it ?

    • i have added this script to show the error messages, on latest clooneys82 Lua scripts

      but now it says : syntax error ( but it was working fine ), any ideas what could be wrong?, thank you 


      - MavSky telem2.lua 1.2.0
      -- Copyright (c) Scott Simpson
      -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
      -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
      -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
      -- (at your option) any later version.
      -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
      -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
      -- GNU General Public License for more details.
      -- A copy of the GNU General Public License is available at <;.



      local function drawTopPanel()
      lcd.drawFilledRectangle(0, 0, 212, 9, 0)

      local flightModeNumber = getValue("fuel") + 1
      if flightModeNumber < 1 or flightModeNumber > 17 then
      flightModeNumber = 13

      lcd.drawText(1, 1, FlightMode[flightModeNumber].Name, INVERS)

      lcd.drawTimer(lcd.getLastPos() + 10, 1, model.getTimer(0).value, INVERS)

      lcd.drawText(lcd.getLastPos() + 10, 1, "TX:", INVERS)
      lcd.drawNumber(lcd.getLastPos() + 16, 1, getValue("tx-voltage")*10, 0+PREC1+INVERS)

      lcd.drawText(lcd.getLastPos(), 1, "v", INVERS)

      lcd.drawText(lcd.getLastPos() + 12, 1, "rssi:", INVERS)
      lcd.drawNumber(lcd.getLastPos() + 10, 1, getValue("rssi"), 0+INVERS)

      local function drawBottomPanel()
      local footerMessage = getTextMessage()
      lcd.drawFilledRectangle(0, 54, 212, 63, 0)
      lcd.drawText(2, 55, footerMessage, INVERS)

      local function background()

      local function run(event)
      local loopStartTime = getTime()
      if loopStartTime > (lastTime + 100) then
      lastTime = loopStartTime

      local i
      local row = 1
      for i = messageFirst, messageNext - 1, 1 do
      -- lcd.drawText(1, row * 10 + 2, "abc " .. i .. " " .. messageFirst .. " " .. messageNext, 0)
      lcd.drawText(1, row * 10 + 2, messageArray[(i % MESSAGEBUFFERSIZE) + 1], 0)
      row = row + 1

      return {run=run, background=background}

  • Does anyone know how to configure open TX to work with version 2.1?
    After Configuring all the telemetry parameters , how should the other pages be configured . And the rest of the SD folders ..
    Thank you
    • Have a look at the readme here:

      Have a look at the 3 pictures in MavLink_FrSkySPort Directory to see how you must setup telemetry in openTX 2.1.

      This MavLink_FrSkySPort repository is discontinued! The development is moved to athertop/MavLink_FrSkySPort. Please do not use this repo, and follow…
      • yes i did ,

        the three pictures explains just  the new telemetry screen configuration  , but how to configure the rest  ?, there are many missing  pieces of information , and my question is if i should copy everything of the configuration that is valid for 2.0.17  for the rest ( the other lua scripts, the mix,es, input, flight modes, logical sw ,  special functions ,   there is no orientation on how to configure that part ..

        • this branch is under development. also devs are on trail and error with 2.1. so this is why there is no clear set-up information at this state of development.

          if you need stable telemetry on apm please use opentx 2.0.17 and the main s-c-l-v-rc branch. this will work stable with no eu x8r firmware. on eu firmware receivers you need currently the new branch. but this is on many parts untested and buggy. because devs are working on different things over the whole code base.



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