APM 2.5 issues with GPS


I have an APM 2.5 that I bought more than 2 years ago at RCTIMER. It has been seatting on a shelf since.

I have trouble with the GPS, a GTPA010, I can't get it to work.

I have tried to use the MEDIATEK FW utility, but I always get a

I can use the mini gps tools and set the FW to 57600. I have used a FTDI and I can see text I can read using a serial monitor. But APM can't see it.

Also since I upgraded to 3.2 using mission planner, I get only weird character wen I try to use the CLI SW.


,Fail(Download),N/A,,COM5,08/12/2014,18:25:30,DA responded with an incorrect sync character,N/A,29,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,N/A,25

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  • Also in arducopter 3.2 we lost NEMA gps so its Ublox only now & i dont think your GTPA010 can

    • Thanks so I need to downgrade to 3.1.4 or buy a new GPS.

      • i believe so , also 3.1.5 was the last stable build offered from mission planer that i personaly confirmed nema gps modules to work on.

        • Hi hector hind

          Hop you can help. I cant get GPS lock with this. 

          APM Flight Controller Ublox NEO-6M High Precision GPS Module Built-in Compass

          I have to disable the Geo Fence to Arm the Quad. I assume because I don't have GPS lock.

          Can you give any info on what I mite do to get GPS working ?

          Using Mission Planner 1.3.16 build 1.1.5456.14788 and ArduCopter V3.2 (c8e0f3e1)



  • Admin


    Your post title says you have an issue with an APM2.6 yet in the body of your post you describe an APM2.5?

    The CLI function no longer works with APMs loaded with the v3.2 firmware.

    The correct baud rate for a GPS connected to an APM is 38,400 baud.

    Most GPSs like the MediaTek are programmed to start with 9600 baud until programmed otherwise.



    • Hello,

      Sorry for the title, I can't edit it anymore.

      Yes it is a APM 2.5. I have set the GPS to 115200, so that's a good reason for it to fail.

      What about the other issue with the CLI that only display werid characters?


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